Chapter 32

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I walked out of my room and saw Jason watching tv. He didn't look like he was watching though. It looked more like he was thinking.

"Good morning big bro," I greeted.

"Morning," he greeted back.

"How you doing?" I asked.

"I'm fine."

"Do you mind telling me why you got drunk last night?"

"I was just having an emotional day. I had been thinking the entire day and that kinda got me depressed," he explained.

"Any news on Robert?" I asked.

"He's getting closer and closer. We haven't even been active since dad died but some how he's still onto us. I just don't know how."

"What are we gonna do?"

"We have to kill him as soon as possible. Cause if we don't, we're screwed."

"Any idea as to when that's gonna happen?"

"No, but whenever I get the chance I won't hesitate to do so."



After my shift I headed home with groceries. I closed the door behind me and put the groceries on the counter. There was a note on the fridge.

I have to go, I'll be back in two weeks time. And if I find you with a growing belly but a skinny body I'll murder you. I love you.


I smiled to myself and sighed. All on my own once more. I had an appointment tomorrow. I had to get rest.

I opened the fridge to see a dreamy chocolate cake standing proudly in the fridge. I laughed knowing it was brother's doing just so he could get me to eat.

For once the fridge was filled to the brim. Fruits, vegetables, juices, proteins and much more. It had been while since I had seen a full fridge.

I grabbed an Apple and ate it up. I sat on the couch and put my feet up.

The feeling of loneliness was starting to sink in.

Melvin was here for three days, he was here to support me, give me comfort and get me to eat. I've actually gained weight because he was here.

I felt like the only person in the whole wide world that loved me was Melvin. He took time off his job to come and see me. He left my fridge filled to the fullest with food. He's not even my biological brother.

He loved me. And my heart just melts at that fact. To be honest the only two things keeping me alive is Melvin and this baby. If this child is Jack's, and I don't have Melvin I won't hesitate to put an end to my life. Cause this life I'm living is bullshit.

Melvin loves me. I love him. He is the only reason I continue living. I don't wanna hurt him. I really don't. If I lose him I lose myself. Melvin is the hint of hope in my life.

But... now Melvin is not here. I know he'll be back but, I'm gonna have to be alone wit my demons. Nothing and no one to keep my mind captivated on something positive.

I have to be alone here, with all my worries and all my pain.

I was thinking really far. Thinking back to when I believed Robert was my father. Back when mom was alive. When she'd take us with her on the weekend just to have a look at the stars.

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