Chapter 34

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"I woke up!"

"Adrian, where is this even coming from?" I asked in shock.

"I'm done with Jason!" Adrian stomped to her room. I stood there confused, really confused.

I sat on the couch and thought for a while. A moment later Melvin took a seat next to me. He had his apron off, probably done cooking.

"I don't get it. Why? Melvin what happened?"

He sighed, "Well, I returned to her cutting herself two day days ago."

"What? Why the hell would she cut herself?!" I enquired in shock.

"Her depression is back. Now that she's pregnant it's been tougher with her mood swings and can't go anywhere or do anything to escape from it. She wants nothing to do with all those who supposedly ruined her life," Mlevin explained.

"And Jason is one of them?"

"I don't know. Probably?" There was silence for a while when he asked, "Um, if you don't mind, why are you the one trying to get Adrian to see your brother. Is he not supposed to be doing this himself?"

"Jason is just a mess right now. He doesn't know what he wants but I know for sure Adrian is what he needs. And just two days ago he confirmed that. He is still trying to figure his life out and pick himself up and I'm just trying to help," I explained.

"You know, you should never go out and find a woman for a man. It's not your place. If Jason really and truly loves my sister he should be the one to come and find her," Melvin stated.

"But he has no idea where she is."

"But you do. So all you have to do is tell him when he makes the move and is trying to find her. The rest is up to him. If he is making a mistake you warned him not to, let him be. Sometimes the only way to learn is when life to teaches you."

I sighed. There was silence for a moment when I remembered Robert's murder. "I heard your father died. I'm really sorry."

"Don't be. I'm going to admit he was already at risk in fact he wasn't the best father. I still loved him but it's kinda like losing something you never had...which is painful. It's sad. In fact why are you asking when your brother is the one who killed him?"

My eyes widen and my body froze. "How do you know?"

"Adrian told me. She said that Jason is the Black Falcon. Is this true?"

Could I trust him? I mean, Adrian already spilt the tea but if I tell him he is gonna get me to spill more, even empty the damn cup. I don't really know this guy, I don't know what to expect or how he'll react to all this. But I had to say something.

They say the truth shall set you free, let's hope it doesn't get me behind bars. "Yeah. My brother is the Black Falcon and I work with him. Adrian used to work at his right hand," I explained briefly.

"Wow," he smiled to himself.

"Do you wanna know why Jason killed your father?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"This aughtta be a good one," he sighed sitting back.

At that moment I could feel my irritation tolerance failing me. I get annoyed very easily. I have no patience.

"Your father is the reason I lost mine," I stated bitterly.

"Oh really?"

This "crush" of mine was starting to get in my nerves.

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