Chapter 35

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Jack and Jason were good again. They were back to chilling together, going for drinks, Jack even hooked Jason up with a girl saying that he needs to get over Adrian. But knowing my brother he is never gonna get over her.

I went to see Adrian two weeks ago, she had rejected me saying she wanted nothing to do with Jason or me or Jack, she wanted to be alone. Melvin told me she was even started to drift away from him.

Melvin and I became good friends. Though I was starting to lose feelings for him. He wasn't my type. He was a good guy, he was charming, good looking but he was still a virgin. I don't know how the hell that's possible but he is.

I saw Michael at the mall yesterday. He was with a new girlfriend. It kinda hurt but I'm used to it. I see him pretty often at the mall, he always has a new girl with him. I still have his signet ring. I should really get rid of it.

Maybe I'm losing feelings for Melvin cause i still got feelings for Michael. Sebastian is still on the loose. Who knows when he'll attack again.

Anyways, enough about my fucked up love life. Jason needs help. I need him to make it clear to himself that Adrian is the one for him. How? Simple.

Right now, Jason is in his room being fucked by some bitchy slut. Tomorrow I ask him questions and I'll take him to Bedford and let him see Adrian from afar. If he wants her he can go get her if he doesn't then he doesnt have to.

I went to the kitchen to make popcorn. I was going to watch some Disney movies, not sure which ones as yet but I knew that's what I was gonna do.

I was gonna watch some porn but I figured that'd be a bad idea.

"Hey Roxy?"

I shrieked. I turned around and looked to see Jason. "Oh hey there," I greeted sighing in relief.

"I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's ok. What happened to that girl you were with?"

"She left."

"When?" I asked putting a dash of salt in the popcorn.

"A while ago. I haven't been able to find a girl to start a relationship with," he sighed.

"Did y'all have some fun?" I asked eating some popcorn.

"We didn't make love."


"Yeah, I just couldn't do it. I'm not over Adrian. I don't think I'll ever be. All the women I've met and talked to so far, they all pretty, some have some good qualities but none came close to Adrian."

"If you want you could ask for a second chance," I suggested.

"I don't know. In fact I have no idea where she is," he sighed.

He looked into my eyes and I smirked.

"Do you know where she is?"

"Depends on whether you want her back or not," I stated munching in my popcorn.

"I do! I mean, it would be wonderful..." he turned away.


"But, I don't know if I'm ready to face her."

"How about you have a good night's sleep tonight, think about it and tomorrow I take you where she is and then you can decide? How about that?"

He turned to look at me with a small grateful smile. "Thanks."

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