Chapter 15

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》》Jason Dutton《

I woke up and looked around at my surroundings as I felt a painful pulse in my head. I got out of bed and saw a frame on the floor with glass all over. I picked up the frame and turned it over.

It was a picture of my biological family. Roxy, Daniel, my mother and myself, together as a happy family.

I got tears in my eyes as I stared at my mother, how beautiful she was. Her soothing voice. I had never seen her angry, well I did once. When she wanted to leave. In the end she couldn't.

She loved my father so much and I still don't understand how that was possible. She said I would someday but that day has not arrived as yet. And it might never arrive.

I looked at Daniel and remembered when he taught me to play chess. That was once a happy memory but now it's a pretty corrupt memory. The memory of a father teaching his son something new as a long-term investment so that in 21 years time he could use him.

I frowned as anger and resentment boiled within. Just then a hand grabbed the fame from my hands.

I looked up at Adrian who looked at me with sympathy in her eyes.

"How are you doing?" she asked.

I raked my hair with my fingers and sighed. I tried to speak but the words were trapped at the back of my throat, blocked by a huge lump. All I could do was sigh.

She helped me on my feet and led me to the living room. "Imma make you breakfast, ok?"

I nodded. She went to the kitchen. It took so much effort to take off my polo-neck sweater and remain in my vest. My limbs were heavy, and I felt completely weak.

Adrian came with a tray in each hand. "Breakfast is served!" she announced.

I received my tray and said just loud enough for her to hear me, "Thanks."

"No problem."

We ate breakfast in silence for the first half and then she started asking questions which I couldn't handle to answer.

"Roxy and Jack are really worried about you," she stated.

All I could do was nod with my eyes to my plate.

"And...I saw your father..."

I looked at her. "H-how is he?" I asked almost whispering.

She sighed. "He is in a coma. He is recovering just fine but, he won't wake up. My father wants to investigate and find those guys but he needs your father and he needs you."

I looked down trying to get my brain working as I tried to think but it seemed it had shut down since I was having a hangover after getting drunk last night for the first time in ages.

My head was hurting real bad and I just couldn't really think about anything but my past and my father.

I took a deep breath to pull myself together and gather my strength.

"Thanks for the breakfast," I stated getting on my feet with my tray. I took her tray before heading to the kitchen and giving them to one of the maids.

I looked at the wine celler rack and all the alcoholic drinks it held. Before I knew it I felt myself being pushed out of the kitchen followed by Adrian's voice.

"You're not getting drunk again!" she warned sternly.

I sighed. She pulled me outside to the pool.

"How about a little swim?" she suggested.

"Nah," I groaned.

"Come on! I know you enjoy swimming," she encouraged.

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