Chapter 40

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Calvin drove us to Jason's apartment. It was a silent drive, radio was crap, playing the most depressing songs you'll ever hear. The one song that really hit so hard, I saw Jason cry, was Happier by Marshmello and Bastille.

I'm not too sure what about the lyrics caused Jason to shed a few tears, but I knew I had to listen to that song again, maybe look up the lyrics.

I must admit though, I was still messed up inside about it. Roxanne, she and Jason were my younger siblings. Yes, I'm older than them both. Older than Jason by two whole years and a few months, why he's in charge, I have no idea.

Roxy, I gave her that nickname when we first met. She introduced herself boldly and I knew she was a Roxy. A beautiful, crazy, daring fiery girl and that she was.

We arrived at Jason's apartment, Jason got out of the car and went up without us. Calvin tossed me the car keys, "I better get going."

He hugged Tyler and whispered a few words.

He looked at me and gave me hug saying, "Don't do anything crazy, that was Roxy's job."

I smiled. "See you around Calvin."

Calvin left and Tyler and I looked at each other. I wrapped my arm around her as we made our way upstairs. I closed the apartment door and put the keys where they belonged.

"This place is full of memories," I sighed looking around.

"I wonder how he's gonna cope with this place," Tyler stated in agreement.

I made my way to Roxy's room where I found Jason. He was on his knees crying his eyes dry. I had never seen him cry like this ever since his mother died but something told me this would be worse.

I've helped him deal with a death before, but this time, I was clueless. I didn't know what to do.

I went on my knees beside him and wrapped my arm around his shoulders. He was looking at a famed picture on the floor of Roxy and himself. He was the only one left. The Dutton family was now down to one and I was afraid that this one, was gonna lose himself and never find him again.

The poor guy was just starting to adjust to his father's death, he was still worried sick about Adrian, business was just getting better. Now, he just lost the most important person in his life.

"I know your pain. I know the pain of losing the one you loved most," I told him. "You won't be alone through this, I'll be here for you. Every step of the way."

Jason didn't say anything. I didn't expect him to. He's a very emotional guy, though he doesn't like crying at all, and if he does, you know he is not ok inside. I've known him for eighteen years now and honestly, he's still a mystery.

Sometimes he'll talk about his problems, a lot of the time he won't. A lot of the time he'll sit in complete silence and think about it. When he's done thinking he might just talk about it or he'll keep it locked inside.

He never used to cry, he'd shed very little tears. Ever since he lost his mother, his tears are triggered, by either a memory, words or both. He cries the most when he's drunk, its as if the alcohol triggers emotions and memories. If he ever does cry, he cries a lot.

Roxy and I knew this very well, but she was the one who was always able to comfort him when she got older and learnt about the cruel world we live in, especially since half the time I'd be drunk with him.

Though when he is drunk, it seems like a controlled kind of drunk. He knows exactly what he's doing, he can even drive, the most amazing thing I've ever seen. He seems completely normal, unless, he had way too much. For someone like me at that point I wouldn't be able to remember my name, but for him that's when he behaves like a man that's just gotten drunk.

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