Chapter 27

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She opened the door and helped me inside.

"Dad! Help me," she said as Robert walked up to us.

"What happened?" Robert asked.

"A group of thugs hurt him," she stated helping me upstairs which hurt like hell.

"Why not treat him downstairs?"

"Too late for that," she stated kicking her bedroom door open.

She dropped me on her bed. "Uhh!!" I groaned in pain.

"Dad, I need a first aid kit and some disinfectant," she instructed. "Jason, look at me," she pulled my face getting me to look into her eyes. I breathed heavily as the pain wouldn't go away, it just kept getting worse.

"Shh, take a deep breath," she soothed unbuttoning my shirt and taking it off. She moved her hand up inhaling and down exhaling and I copied her pace. "Just like that, calm down."

Robert rushed in with a medical kit and a bottle.

Adrian opened the box taking out a cloth. She poured some disinfectant on it and lay her hand on my cheek looking into my eyes. "Just keep breathing, just like that. This is gonna sting a bit alright? Just breathe, in and out, and in..."

I screamed as I felt the burn of disinfectant touch my open wound. To make things worse she pressed. My body stiffened as the pain got worse. I felt eyes sting with tears. I blinked the tears away and tried regulating my breathing.

She finished treating my wound and bandaged it up. Robert left to put away the medical kit and throw away things.

"There, all done," she sighed.

Not only was I in physical pain but I was hurting inside. I was still angry at her for cheating yet so very heartbroken. She's pregnant. It's not even my baby.

"Thank you. For saving my life," she thanked.

"It was no problem," I stated.

I tried to get up but was in too much pain to succeed.

"Are you alright son?" I looked up at Robert who was standing at the door.

"Yeah, just in a bit of pain," I replied.

"I'll bring you painkillers." Robert left.

Adrian looked at me and I looked away. "I'm sorry Jason."

"Me too," I stated bitterly.

"I really didn't mean to fall pregnant."

"Of course you didn't." I forced myself to my feet and walked towards the door.

"Jason, please, forgive me. If you want I can get an abortion, problem solved."

I stopped. "You cheated!"

"But it happened the day before we got back together," I stated.

I turned to face her, "You fall pregnant with another man and still have the nerve to announce it to me."

"I had no idea you were infertile."

"You broke my heart!"

"And I'm sorry. I regret it. I regret getting drunk and getting into bed with someone and falling pregnant. If I could I'd change that but I can't."

I looked away as the pain in my chest worsened.

Adrian walked up to me. "Jason, please forgive me, I didn't mean it. I was hurt, I was looking for a distraction, a way to forget the words you threw at me. I did the only thing I knew how to do... Jason. I'm sorry."

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