Chapter 20

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I finished setting the table, just then there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I exclaimed.

I rushed to the door and opened it to see Jason standing there. He finally did something decent with his hair.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Hey," he smiled back nervously. 

I let him in before closing the door.

"Jason!" Dad exclaimed walking up to him.

"Robert," he acknowledged giving my father a handshake.

I went upstairs to my brother's room and was about to knock when the door flew open. "Come on, there's someone you have to meet!"

I dashed downstairs with Melvin close behind. Jason withdrew from the conversation with my father when he saw Melvin.

"Jason, this is my older brother, Melvin. Melvin this is my boyfriend, Jason," I introduced.

They gave each other a handshake.

"Nice meeting you," Jason said respectfully.

"Hope you taking good care of my sister," Melvin smiled with a warning glance.

"Oh don't you worry, if you wanna know how well I've taken care of her, you should ask her how much expensive jewellery I've got her since we started dating."

I rolled my eyes before joining in on the laughter.

"Well, dinner is served," I announced.

We all sat at the dinner table. As dinner progressed it was filled with friendly chatter and laughter. The atmosphere changed when my father began to tell Jason about the thugs.

"You found them?" Jason asked.

"Yes, the man you are looking for is Klaus Malone. Leader of a wanted group that call themselves the Scorpios. They are negotiating with their allies on Sunday in the parking lot of that mall they are gonna open next week.

"We have sent an undercover cop there and when the time comes to make the arrests. He has already bugged all phones and is paying close attention to all plans and keeps us updated," he explained.

I looked to Jason who looked like he was thinking. Finally he spoke, "The worst thing you could have done is send an undercover cop there.

"If you are dealing with mastermind criminals, they know all the names and don't have to look at you twice to know if you're a criminal or not. So you are putting the cop's life in danger, cause they use you to find out what the plans are and when they are done, they kill you."

Dad narrowed his eyes at Jason, that look was on his face, the look he gives suspects. "You speak as if you have a lot if experience," he said.

Jason smiled, "Well Robert, if I had something to hide you would've figure it out by now. You are the chief of police. If I was a criminal why would I dare to sit right in front of my rival or date his daughter."

Dad refrained but kept an eye on him.


It was late and Jason was about to leave. I walked him out.

"Your brother is a nice guy," he stated.

"Yeah." We stopped walking when we were standing in front of his car. "What are you going to do about the Scorpios?" I asked.

"I'm gonna take matters into my own hands," he stated. He kissed my forehead, "Meet me at the mansion tomorrow, we're gonna need a plan."

"No problem," I agreed.

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