Chapter 48

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I sat in the corner carrying Arthur in my arms.

I tried to storm past but he grabbed my arm and said sternly, "You're not going anywhere."

"Daniel, you're not my boss, I'm leaving!" I tried to push past him but he pushed me away before giving me a hard backhand slap on the face.

"Youre not going anywhere!!"

I shot him a glare before I tried to punch him only for the attempt to be blocked. The look on his face was one I had never seen before. He looked evil.

I sighed, "I promise you Arthur, no one's ever gonna hurt you. I'm gonna give you all of my love cause nobody matters like you."

I looked down at my son who was sound asleep in my arms.

"I promise, your life is going to be nothing like my life. Youre gonna grow and you're gonna have a good life. I promise I'm gonna do what i got to do."

I looked around and my new home. The place was empty, I'd have to go shopping for furniture tomorrow. I took the smaller unfurnished apartment cause I know my life is filled with bad luck and so I had to be as prepared as possible.

It was a cold night and I had a blanket for Arthur but not for myself. So I had to try keep him warm keep all the cold. I did have the stronger immune system.

Falling asleep seated on the floor leaning your back on a wall was not something I ever thought I would manage to do. But I did.

The next morning I was awakened by Arthur's cry. I fed him and called my boss telling him I wouldn't be able to make it to work cause my cousin died. Which was obviously a lie cause I didnt have cousins.

I took some time to do cleaning in the kitchen and bathroom, especially the bathroom. Later on in the day, Arthur and I went thrift shopping for furniture. I had saved up $1200 and that's what I used to buy a bed and a fridge and two sofas.

I couldn't buy groceries until the fridge was delivered which would be in two days time. I bought a kettle, pots, all the basic stuff. I didnt bother getting a tv as I wouldn't need it right now.

After shopping I went back home to cleaning while Arthur played with toys and my phone. I was scrubbing the carpet in the bedroom when I heard my phone ringing.

"Arthur, give mommy the phone. Arthur?"

The child could have a mean attitude sometimes.

I grabbed the phone and looked at the screen as Arthur started crying. It was Melvin. Knowing him, I knew he was going to ask where I was so he can come see me and then he'll scold me and I wasn't in the mood for that so I rejected the call.

"Ok, ok, here take it," I said giving Arthur the phone causing him to stop crying. I smiled before going back to my cleaning.


"I've already fed him, around twelve he needs to be changed. At one you'll give him a bottle, after that he's usually tired so he'll fall asleep. At four feed him a yoghurt. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am," the babysitter said.

"I'm going to work. Please take good care of my son," I instructed grabbing my handbag.

"Will do."

"Bye Arthur." I left closing the door behind me as I heard Arthur start crying. I took a deep breath as there was slight painful tug in my heart at the sound of his sobs.

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