Chapter 36

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I sighed as I caressed Melvin's chest. "This is something I've never done in a long time. Whenever I sleep with a man, I don't really care. All I want is the pleasure. It's been ages since I've experienced passion. And I'm glad I got to do that with you."

We kissed briefly. "I love you," he whispered.

"For a first timer you pretty comfortable," I stated.

"I'm going to admit that I did do a lot of fantasizing growing up. I've pleased myself in every way possible, just never had a woman please me, and touch me, and kiss me," he explained.

"Maybe next time I won't let you see, or we could wrestle, or we could play slave and master," I suggested.

"Maybe, but for now, let's enjoy this moment together."


I woke up on top of Melvin. I watched him as he slept peacefully while I rubbed his chest.

Finally he woke up. "Good morning," he smiled.


"Did you dream about me?"

I laughed, "Yeah I dreamt we got married and had twenty children," I stated rolling my eyes.

"Sounds great, wanna get busy making the children?"

"You crazy."

"Crazy in love with you," he said lowly.

He kissed my lips and got out of bed. "Wanna go take a shower first?" he asked putting on his underwear.

"Yeah. Where's your bathroom?" I asked.

He pointed at the door. "Want me to help you?" he asked with a cheeky smile.

"If you want," I said getting out of bed unashamed of my naked self.

I picked up my clothing and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the water and and stepped into the shower.

Half way through my shower I felt hands on my ass. I turned to see Melvin. "What are you doing?" I asked him.

He smiled. "I'm sorry. You're just so beautiful and I just can't help myself."

I felt his member slide into my opening.

He turned off the water before humping. He held my waist and moved me with him. I rubbed my finger on my clit as he went at full speed.

"Fuck!!" I screeched as I felt myself climax. He turned on the water immediately after pulling out.

My entire body felt weakened and my legs struggled to keep me standing. Melvin turned me so i was facing him and held me in his arms. We stood there together in the shower letting the hot water pour down on our naked bodies.


I walked into the apartment to see Jack on the floor dying in laughter while Jason sat on the couch wiping tears.

"What did I miss?" I asked.

"This guy kills me," Jason laughed.

They were watching some kind of stand up comedian sharing his jokes. I went to my room and lay on my bed.

What a morning, after making love last night, Melvin fucked me in the shower before he actually bathed me, he made breakfast and dropped me home.

I reached for my cell on bedside table. I searched around the table before actually looking there. It wasn't there. Did I forget it at Melvin's place. I didn't even take it out of my bag.

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