Chapter 12

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》》Jason Dutton《《

" we have a plan?"

I looked around at my crew and saw only smiles. "Good. Tomorrow night we strike."

For our first heist this year we were going to break into the museum and steal a precious jewel. We would get the real deal and replace it with a replica at the same time an ATM bombing would take place on the other side of town.


Skyler and Sandy were dealing with the night-shift guards, tempting them into lust. Master Mind was taking out security cameras. Tyler, Felix and Phantom quickly went inside to get my jewel, the Pink Star.

Calvin, Sean, Sky, Roxy and I were on the other side of town waiting in the getaway vehicle waiting twenty more seconds before action.

I glanced at the screen in my hands. "Y'all can make your way closer to the box," I instructed.

Roxy stepped out of the vehicle and was escorted to the ATM by Skye and Sean.






I heard the bomb planted around the ATM go off. I switched off my tablet's screen and sat back knowing everything was under control.

A moment later, I heard the trunk being opened and shut before my three soldiers got back into the vehicle.

"Mission accomplished!" Roxy exclaimed as Clavin drove off at a high speed at first then cruise down the road with no rush.

I smirked in satisfaction when I saw police cars rush past us. We made our way to the mansion and walked inside with sports-bags stashed with money.

I dropped it on the floor as soon as I lay my eyes on my precious star. I took the diamond from Tyler and critically analysed it and when I was satisfied I smiled.

"The Pink Star, it's finally mine."


I looked up to see...

"Adrian?" I gasped.

"W-what...why is all that money there? And why do you have what looks like the Pink Star?" Adrian asked confused.

"The question is who let you in?" Calvin asked.

"The maid said I could," Adrian stated in defence.

"Who invited you anyways?" Skye enquired stalking up to her.

"Jason did!" she snapped.

"Well, as you can see he isn't available right now, so you'd be doing yourself a favour if you left," Skye threatened.

I didn't step in yet cause I know Skye is really hard on strangers. Probably why he doesn't have a girlfriend. As a matter of fact, he is hard on everyone, myself included.

If Adrian was going to become a member of my crew she had to know how to deal with him cause he is by far the most difficult person in the family. Sometimes he gets really aggressive. He would probably be an abusive husband if he had a wife.

"And if I don't?!" Adrian changed her stance folding her arms over her chest. "What you gonna do about it?"

"Imma show you a dragon," he threatened. "An ugly, nasty, fire-breathing dragon!"

"Oooh, I'm so scared," she said mocking his accent. She took a step forward and stared deep into his eyes, "Bring it on big boy. Unleash your "dragon" and we'll see who has the last laugh."

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