Chapter 24

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She took a deep breath before she slowly and steadily began to explain.

"I was in high school, Sebastian was best friends with a thug who attended that school who had just got out of juvenile. We met for the first time when I walked around a corner to see him and his buddies dealing some crack.

"I tried to leave as if I saw nothing but he caught up to me and stopped me. He told me he was gonna let me go like nothing happened if I... stripped for him. I refused and left. We met again when I was walking by myself.

"He approached me and told me I was very beautiful and that he wanted me. I refused and he threatened me saying that he didn't forget that I saw him and his friends dealing some drugs and that he should be taking me out.

"I offered him all of my savings but he wasn't satisfied. So I offered him all my savings and lunch for a month. He said it wasn't enough but it was all I could offer. He said I wouldn't have to give him any of that if I gave him my body.

"I refused and left. One night I was on my way home from a party, he shoved me into an alley. He took me to the ground..."

She took a deep breath to pull herself together.

"He told me, if didn't wanna give him what he wanted, he was gonna take it... he held a knife to my neck as he..."

Tears spelt over and gushed from her eyes like a burst dam.

"He raped me in the alley!" she cried. "As I tried to fight back he slashed my wrist and my rib... sirens approached and he stopped... he told me he'd back for round two."

She wiped her tears which continuously escaped from her eyes. I didn't know what to say.

"When I got home, you were watching tv in the dark and you asked me where I was. I told you that I was with a friend and you didn't believe me. You thought I had gone to a night club or got into bed with a boy. So I instantly broke down and I decided not to tell you."

I took a deep breath as I recalled the memory of that night. It was my night off and I had been waiting for her for two hours so we could commence our movie night.

I glanced at the watch strapped on my wrist. It was half past ten, Roxy said she'd be home and half past eight. He sighed changing the channel on the tv.

Finally, I heard the door being unlocked from the outside. The door gave a squeal as it was opened and then closed.

I got on my feet and looked at my sister who stood before me.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"I-I was at a f-friend's house. We...lost track of time," she stated stuttering slightly.

"Oh is that so? Or did you go with your girlfriends to the club down the road? Or do you have a boyfriend and decided tonight is the night you lose your virginity?!" I yelled.

She trembled at the rage in my voice as a tear drop stained her cheek. "No...I was..." she mumbled.

"Just tell me the truth Roxanne!! I might just forgive you!" I yelled interrupting her.

I stared at the floor and wrapped her hand around her wrist as more tears raced down her cheeks.

"Where were you?!"

She couldn't even look at me, I walked up to her.

"Answer me!!"

"I'm sorry Jason," she cried almost whispering.

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