Chapter 11

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》》Jason Dutton《《

Roxy sat down on the couch and Adrian sat on a single sofa. I had no idea who to sit next to, I didn't want to look like a bad brother or a bad boyfriend.

So I came up with the idea to be their loyal waiter.

"Is there anything I could get for anyone?"

They both shook their heads no. "I' in the kitchen."

I went to the kitchen and prepared lunch for them as I paid close attention to their tense conversation.

I was surprised Roxy didn't beat her ugly. She was calm and understanding for the first time in...never.

When it came to her man, she would beat you pink and blue. She would be sure to give you a lesson for life. A lesson you would never forget. But this time...she was calm. She gave Adrian a chance.

Eventually I stopped paying attention to their conversation and focused more on spaghetti I was making.

Before I knew it I heard laughing coming from the living room. I glanced over at them. Their tense conversation had ceased and transformed into a friendly chatter.

I smiled in satisfaction knowing that my sister and girlfriend were going to get along just fine.

They were both bold and daring. They both like a good challenge. They both had this fire in their eyes. I think they just might become the best of friends.

When I finished setting the dining table I went up to them, "I see you two are getting along nicely."

"No, we just about to start a fist fight," Roxy stated looking up at me.

"Yeah we're just arguing about who's gonna win," Adrian added.

"Well, y'all can knock each other's teeth out later, it's lunchtime." I led them to the dining table. Then I was a bit at war again. Should I be a gentleman to my girlfriend or my sister.

Well, these days there aren't any gentlemen left around so...I just won't be a gentleman.

We sat down and ate as we chatted away like a group of long-time friends. This was really a successful afternoon.


"Merry Christmas!" I exclaimed as soon as Adrian opened the door.

"Same to you," she smiled.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, just gonna quickly get a jacket and my bag," she stated. "You can come inside, my dad's not here."

I walked inside and sat on the couch. It was a really modern place. Colour scheme was mainly grey, white and sky blue.

I got up and walked up to the wall behind me where one framework held quite a few pictures. There were pictures of Adrian, her parents and a young man who looked like her brother.

"I'm ready!" I heard her announce.

"Let's go."

We went to the mansion. Every Christmas we gather for dinner and make new memories. Catching up with each other and partying. Well I would always be in the study. Now that I had a girlfriend that would have to change slightly.

I opened the door for her before following her inside. We walked to the main living room where everyone was.

Everyone went silent at the sight of Adrian. "Its about time!" Tyler exclaimed.

"I'd like to introduce y'all to my girlfriend Adrian!" I announced. I looked at her and she looked nervous. The look on her face was actually amusing but I didn't wanna worry her. "Adrian?"

She looked up at me quickly as if she came out of a daydream.

"This is my family. You don't have to worry, they'll love you no matter what. Just be yourself."

"Ayo Lil J!" I heard from behind me.

I turned around knowing who it was. "Jacko!"

We performed our handshake and I introduced him to Adrian. "The girl I told you about, Adrian. Adrian, this is my brother from another mother, Jack."

They gave each other a handshake. "Nice meeting you Jack," she smiled.

"Its a pleasure," Jack said winking at her.

I squeezed his shoulder as hard as possible as I said, "I know you back to being a player and all but if you touch my girl...I'll touch you and it won't be pretty."

Jack raised his hands, "Sorry for my inability to resist."

We had dinner and Adrian was interacting with everyone just fine. She and Roxy were like sisters who were tryna catch up after ten years of separation with Tyler.

I was chatting with Jack, Sean and Phantom. Everyone else was dancing or was chilling outside.

I received a phone call. "Excuse me," I went upstairs and to the balcony before taking the call.


"Hello son. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too." I was just tryna be nice so my mood wouldn't go downhill.

"How are you doing?" he asked.

I sighed before answering, "I'm alright."

"And my daughter?"

"Roxanne is just fine."

"May we meet up tomorrow at my place. We need to talk."

"Daniel...I am going to be busy tomorrow."

"Alright then. Bye."

He hung up and I was confused. That was the calmest phone call I had ever had with my father.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and went downstairs to enjoy myself and not worry about him.


I broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes. Adrian Markham, this girl. I love her. I love this girl. The racket going on around us was just an illusion to me. The fireworks sounded so soft and the music sounded like a silent tune.

Adrian, this girl was the beginning of my future, through this new year we would grow stronger together and maybe, just maybe, I can tell her the truth about who I am.

"I love you," she said gazing into my eyes with those gorgeous eyes. Those eyes were worth dying for. Those eyes displayed joy. Her gaze was soft, sincere and yet full of excitement as we stood there together for the first two minutes of the new year.

The party going on around us disappeared and we were all alone in our world. Just the two of us, madly in love with each other.

"I love you," I agreed with all my heart as if I were vowing it to her.

Eventually, we came back to reality. The fireworks got louder as the music boomed in our ears. The party around us seemed lively again and we joined in. Celebrating not only a new year, but a new year together.

I love this girl. Adrian Markham.


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