Chapter 5

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》》Jason Dutton《《

I arrived at the mansion and walked inside. I went to the dining room where everyone was. I dropped the jetpack on the floor asking, "How we doing?"

"Awesome! Check it!" Calvin exclaimed. He opened the two briefcases on the table to reveal stacks of cash inside.

I took out a stash and looked through the notes. "Nice work," I smiled. "So, how much you want?"

"Well, I just want enough to keep me surviving for the month not too much or..."

I interrupted him handing him a large stash of money. "Don't mention it kid."

He looked at me in astonishment.

"Remember, if you stick with me, I'll make you rich. I don't leave my brothers and sisters in the rubble, if I go up, you coming up with me."

"Thanks boss," Calvin smiled.

"Enjoy yourself, life's short," I said before heading up to the study.

I sat at my seat and remembered the first girl I ever found appealing. Her long wavy hair, her lips and her tongue and how it danced with mine almost as well as she danced around me.

The challenge in her eyes, the fire she brought. He way she spoke, with so much confidence, with so much...authority. It was like she knew she was in control and she was. She was like a demon and I was her slave.

"I see that girl put a spell on ya," I heard from behind me.

I turned my seat to see Jack taking a seat. "Nah, she was pretty but nah."

"Oh please Jason, she wasn't just pretty, we both know that. She even got your hormones working again!" exclaimed Jack.

"Oh please! I need to focus on my tournament tomorrow! In fact we might never see each other again since I never got her digits," I stated.

"Mm hm, and you regret that, don't ya?" Jack smiled.

I rolled my eyes and put my feet up.


Provincial chess? More like primary school chess! There was no competition, literally. Although this was the competition which would secure your spot on the provincial team but seriously, this would be one weak team unless they were adding to the team. Well, there was that one guy. He seemed like such a nerd.

I felt like I was the only decent chess player there. One who could play but wasn't so boring.

"Check mate," I said for the...I even lost track of how many times I said that.

The girl looked so desperate as she scanned the board of a way to save herself from a horrific defeat. We were only four minutes in.

Finally she knocked over her king. I smirked and gave her a handshake trying not to burst into laughter at her facial expression.

At the end we gathered to take a look at the rankings. Top of the table was a tie between me and someone named Adrian Markham.

"In a week's time, we will have round two, followed by round three and a knock out. We select the top five to join our team. And if we think you have potential, we will sign you into the grandmaster's competition," the retired chess player explained.

"Thank you all for competing today and I hope to see you all in two weeks time. Goodbye and go well."

I walked out to see Jack leaning on his car. "What took you so long?"

"Why are you even here?"

"I came to pick you up quickly, I need a big favour," Jack said before getting into the car.

Check Mate (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now