Chapter 6

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》》Jason Dutton《《

I opened the door for Roxy then followed her inside. Daniel had been discharged from hospital and Roxy dragged me along to visit him. She said before jumping to conclusions about him we had to hear both sides of the story.

"Hi dad," Roxy greeted.

Daniel turned around with a glass of whiskey in his hand. "Oh, hello princess," he greeted hugging his daughter.

"I'm so glad you're alright," she sighed.

Finally he noticed me. His facial expression changed as he whispered loudly enough for me to hear him. "What is he doing here?"

"Dad, you two are never gonna be broken apart becuase the blood you two share will always hold you two together."

He sighed.

We sat down.

"What brings the both of you here?"

"Dad, we're here to make things right," Roxy stated.

He took a sip of his alcoholic drink staring coldly at me.

"Is it true? Did you abandon us? Did you leave us to stay in luxury while we lived in poverty?"

He sighed. "Well, I do admit that I did abandon you but I had a very good reason... which I am not willing to discuss with Jason."

I growled. Roxy who was seated next to me lay her hand on my arm looking into my eyes. I knew she was telling me to keep it cool.

She turned back to Daniel and asked, "What happened to all the money you made as a grandmaster chess player?"

"I lost it," he replied.

"How?" we asked at the same time.

"I had a gambling addiction, that's why even after my retirement I lived in absolute luxury. I didn't invest a cent, nor did care to save up a penny. I gambled and became rich, but then my luck turned. I lost millions in a single night.

"Then one night, I was on my last dollars. I put all of it down and I lost. Luckily I had cash so I could get here, but I was in serious bank-overdraft. I borrowed so much to get this place, so I try to get Jason to become a grandmaster so he can help me.

"In order words, yes, I am trying to use him."

At that moment I burst. I got up and yelled, "See! I told you! He's just tryna use us after he abandoned us!! What kind of father are you?!"

"Jason..." Roxy said trying to get me to calm down.

"I'm only doing it cause I don't want to leave you two in charge of my debts!!" he burst out.

"Oh really?!"



Roxy pulled me outside and yelled, "We're here to make things right not cause any problems!!"

"But can't you see he is not worth loving! He left us! Our mother died because of him!!"

"Do you think this is how mom would've wanted us to treat him?! Huh?" I looked down at the snow covering the front yard.

"But she died because of him!" I yelled.

"I know!! I know Jason but mom always told us to forgive. She would've never treated him like this! Jason, please..."

"I hate him!" I spat turning away from her.

"You're just saying that!" she cried.

"I hate him!!"

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