Chapter 44

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"Here is your discharge letter, and painkillers. And you are free to go," the doctor smiled.

"Thank you. Hey, do you know how my fiance is doing?"

"She is still unconscious but she is showing small signs of recovery but thats not very promising. She is the high dependency unit," the doctor said.

"May I see her?"

"Sure follow me," the doctor sighed.

He led me to her room. He opened the door for me before he left. I took a seat beside Tyler and held her hand. She was really badly injured. Scratches covered her beautiful face along with a few bruises and a few cuts.

She had a cast on her knee and on her elbow as far as I could see. My heart cracked as i remembered our little argument before we left.

Tyler grabbed the keys and said, "I'm driving."

"No I'll drive!" I said.

"Who's the better driver here?"

"Oh come on Tye-"

"No! Who's the better drive here?"

"You," I sighed. "But I wanna drive though."

"No! I'm driving and that's final."

I felt a tear drop run down my face. "Why didn't you just let me drive? I know you are the better driver but... I could've protected you. Well... I know its too late for that now, but I need you to wake up.

"We gotta get married in Vegas or maybe in Paris right in front of the Eiffel Tower, you'll drive us to... to Rainbow Assassins, so we can go paintballin' just like we did on our first date... and then we'll go to a club, have some drinks, dance and then we'll go home, where we can just be alone together before we have rough sex.

"We can do all that, if you just wake up Tye. I wanna marry you, you hear me? We can do whatever you want, we can get married in your car, I just want you to wake up. Please Tye," I cried.

Just then a nurse came in. "I apologize sir but we have to take her for a CT scan, doctors suspect they have missed something and she may still be suffering from internal bleeding."

"Will she be alright?" I asked worried.

"I don't know sir but you have to leave."

I sighed. I gave Tyler a kiss on the forehead before leaving frustrated. I got into a cab and asked that they drive me to the mansion. I payed and got out after we arrived. I dashed up the stairs and went to the balcony where Jason stood.

I turned him around so he would look at me before grabbing him by the shirt.

"This is all your fucking fault!!" I yelled.

"What did I do now?" he asked bitterly.

"George's men tried to kill me and Tyler, now she's in critical condition and its all your fucking fault!!" I yelled pushing him to the floor.

He got up. "And do tell me, how is it my fault when I told you to leave!"

"But we did leave, and we almost got killed!"

Jason walked up to me looking me straight in the eyes, "I don't give a damn. Ok? I couldn't care less about what the hell happens in your life as long as you stay out of mine."

"I swear, if I lose Tyler I will kill you."

Jason pulled out a gun and slammed it on my chest. "Do it!! Kill me! Do it right now! You'd be doing me a great favour!" I dropped the gun and stared at him. "What? You can't do it? Kill me!! Get over and done with damnit!"

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