Chapter 2

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》》Jason Dutton《《


Our heist was a great success and since it's our anniversary tomorrow I allowed them to celebrate.

I smiled I watched my, friends celebrate and enjoy themselves. They had music playing, dancing, drinking and all the other crazy stuff that would take place in a party.

They deserved it.

I went upstairs as usual to the study. I sat at my seat and put my feet up.

I wasn't a party horse. I found no use in it. Yes, it was a way to relax with friends and have fun but what's the point if everything will go back to normal tomorrow? Why only have fun at a party and not just whenever you get the chance?

Call me boring but it's who I am. I can't change it. Well, I once was a party horse but that was until the day pure hatred flowed throughout my veins for the first time. The first time I cursed someone's life and meant it.

"Hey brother!" Jack exclaimed closing the door behind him.

"What do you need?" I asked taking a sip of martini.

"Just came to persuade you into joining the party," he smiled.

"You know that won't work right?"

"I know, you've been through hell, just forget the past and move on. I mean I get the fact you never celebrating your birthday again but stop doing what you have to and do what you love. And I still don't get why you won't get a girlfriend."

"Jack, listen to me. There is no way in hell I can move on, this past you tell me to let go of, it's my present and its my future. You got that?

"Secondly, I love what I do, wanna know why? Cause I worked hard to get where I am today, I own this all, I have no debts whatsoever! I show love to everyone I care about! Any of you can come to me and ask to borrow a fortune I won't lend it to you, I'll give it to you with no expectation repayment!

"I love living like this because I know I will never be like my father. And lastly, why I'll never look for love is simple. I don't want to commit to anything, I don't want to have sex it's just disgusting, I don't want to have to try and please someone who doesn't know what they want!

"I've seen love in marriage, oh trust me I have. And guess what I learnt? It's bullshit!!"

Jack looked away and I finished my martini. "Ok, enjoy your own company."

Jack left and I once again remained alone.


I woke up and stared at the ceiling meditating. I heard footsteps approaching my room so I closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping.

I heard the door open then close. There was silence for a moment then I felt a fist to my stomach.

I jolted up coughing.

"Get up lazy!" I heard Roxy say. "You always sleep in a funny position so there was no use laying straight and facing the ceiling."

"Damn, girl you punch hard. Who taught ya Jack?" I moaned.

"Aww, that's the nicest thing you've said all month," she baby talked me. "Oh and dad's here."

"Great!" I sulked.

"Oh come on! He's your father and guess what? That's never gonna change!! Freshen up, he's waiting in the living room and I'm going shopping! Where's your debit card?"

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