Chapter 14

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》》Jason Dutton《

I got out of my car and walked up to the door. I took a deep breath before knocking.

'I can't believe I'm doing this,' I thought.

Daniel opened the door letting me inside. He closed the door and asked, "Do you have the cash?"

I opened my backpack showing him the cash inside.

He looked up at me hesitating to lay his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you, son," he thanked sincerely.

I nodded as he squeezed my shoulder.

Just then he got a text message. He looked at his phone then his face went blank.

"What's the matter?" I asked him.

"There's been a change of plans. The amount has increased to 1.5 million. Meet me now at my clubhouse with my money. If you don't, I will find you," he read out.

I sighed and thought for a moment. "It's ok, I'll go get more money and we can go to the address sent to us," I offered.

"But I can't pay you back."

"I know and you won't have to," I stated.

"No, I will not give him that much money, it's time I confront him."


We arrived at the address sent to us. Daniel stopped in his tracks and turned to face me, "I think it'd be best if you wait outside. I don't want you getting into any trouble. I'll be back soon."

I sighed and leaned on the wall to wait for him. I looked around just letting my eyes wander as I whistled my favourite tune. Daniel had been there for a while and...not that I really cared, I was kinda starting to worry.

I watched as two men led Daniel further down the blocked road. They took a right and I remained there waiting. I had a feeling something wasn't right. Luckily I was armed but, I knew this whole pay back my money thing would end up bad.

Just then I heard multiple gunshots. My eyes widened, my head spun to the direction I saw them heading. I pulled out my gun as I saw the two men approach me, I began shooting not caring about the risk I was putting myself into but only on the man who was my father.

One of the men made his escape entering a building. I shot at the other multiple times then dropped the gun and ran to the corner where I saw them lead my father.

Daniel lay there bleeding like hell from multiple places. My heart cracked at the scene. I dropped to my knees and took off my fedora.


He didn't answer.

I raised my hand to touch him but I didn't know where, how... "Daniel?"

Just a few feet from where he lay was his cell. I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was recording. I pressed stop and played it from halfway.

"I asked you for 1.5 million this is not even a million."

"Look, I am depending on my son for this money, I don't want to be a burden to him. He already hates me, just take the money and I'll figure out a way to get you the rest."

"I want my money now!!"

"But I don't have your damn money!"

"If your son is a millionaire as you claim, one million shall surely be nothing, so get my money now!"

"I can't and I won't. I don't want it to look like I'm using him. I am just trying my best to ensure my children don't carry the debt I created. I want what's best for them, I wasn't there for them and I regret that, the least I could do is ensure none of my debts fall on them! Just take the money and I'll find a way to get you more in two weeks time. Please."

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