Chapter 50

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Greetings fellow people
So, I'm going to be skipping a whole seven years because I can and because I really need to redo this book. It's not going in the right direction.
So I'll give you a quick update in third person and the story shall go on.
These couple of chapters are the last, so I really hope you enjoy.


It had been seven years. Seven years since Tyler and Jack got married. Seven years since Jason last heard Adrian's voice. Seven years since Adrian started using crack. Six years since Raymond -Tyler and Jack's son- was born. Six years since George Diable has been on the run from the INTERPOL so Black Falcon was back in business.

Jack was enjoying fatherhood. Tyler recovered from her trauma and was back to loving her cars. Raymond was growing into a smart handsome little boy who loved cars just like his mother.

The family of three had moved out of the mansion and to the little town close by. There Tyler owned a garage and Raymond went to school. Jack worked with Jason, supplying organizations and druglords with ammunition. Jack had successfully turned a group of rookies to an army of highly skilled shooters.

Jason was back in business but that didn't mean the pain in his heart was healed. That didn't mean the void in his chest was filled. He tried looking for love, he even tried paying for sex but in the end, he couldn't even undress for the woman.

He tried searching for Adrian and his son. He tried calling until the number no longer existed. He knew she destroyed it so he wouldn't find her. He was worried about her, he was worried about his son. He kept trying, every week he went to Bedford, searching a new area, but every week, he failed to find his family.

Arthur was an intelligent little boy, who looked so much like his father, Adrian could never forget Jason. Every time she looked at her son, she saw the product of the love she had for Jason.

Adrian knew her life was going down the drain, so she always told her son about his father. Ensuring that despite the fact she was taking away his right to have a father, she had to make him understand that his father loves him and that if he had the chance he would be there.

She knew Jason would do everything in his power to have Arthur, and she knew that the way she was going, Arthur would be with his father. She was still sleeping around to earn money but she often spent more than half of her earnings on crack and alcohol.

She wasn't paying the debt she was in with the rent, nor was she paying her water and electricity. She spent the other half of her earnings on feeding Arthur and herself and paying a baby sister to take care of her son when she went to do business.

Adrian was losing her life but she was ok with it.


"So they'll need some grenades, rifle snipers and a few AK47's. And for that they are paying us well over three million," Jack explained.

I was too busy thinking to pay any attention.

"Ayo, Lil J, hellooo?" I looked at him. "You 'ight?"

I shook my head no.

"What's up? Talk to me bro. Is it Adrian?"

I nodded. "I can't find her. I can't forget her," I stated with my chest aching, "And its all my fault."

"Nah bro, it's not your fault. Don't be hard on yourself," Jack said squeezing my shoulder.

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