Chapter 28

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We sat down at a bench under a tree. I held her cheeks and got her to look into my eyes. "What happened?"

"Robert... he burnt every gift, every picture and every single object I've ever bought for him. A-A-and this morning, he told me that I'm not his daughter," she cried.

I rubbed her back in comfort as she wiped her tears.

"I don't know who I am anymore! I don't know where to go, what to do. My life is falling apart before my very eyes and there's nothing I can do about it and its all my fault!

"I'm all alone facing such big problems and I don't know where to start. Everyone I loved has either hurt me further, or abandoned me. I know Melvin is still studying but I need help now."

I didn't know what to say, or what to do cause she did love me and I broke her heart. Whoever the father of her child is has probably abandoned her. Robert just shattered her soul.

I felt really guilty cause the damage I made is the reason she is the way she is at this moment.

"I'm sorry," that was all I could say.

We sat there for a while in absolute silence. I really wanted to give her a hug but I was afraid she'd reject me. I am the reason to her pain so I didn't know what to expect from her.

"Right now, I just need some rest," she stated.

"Alright then."

She got up and left. I sat alone to think for a while. What was I gonna do? Just let her live here and not take care of her? Or, not care who the father is and just raise the child as my own? I don't know.

I mean I was upset cause she fell pregnant with God knows who but a part of me had already forgiven her. A part of me felt responsible for her actions.

Another part was still angry and wonders who the father is. I really don't know what my next move is going to be.


I closed the door behind me and took a look at the room. This would do for a while so I could get a job and earn an income so that in a few months I could be out of here.

I wasn't gonna unpack since I'd be packing again before I knew it. I opened a box and took out a few newspapers that I had collected to find advertisements of jobs. I had to get a job that didn't really require a heck lot of physical labour.

I would really love to find a job in which I do a lot of sitting as I progress through this pregnancy I'll be working and I don't wanna put too much strain on myself.

I sighed as I looked through the ads of help needed at several stores and construction companies and butcheries.

I couldn't really concentrate. I was still trying to process everything. All this just happened so fast and I haven't really had the time to let it really sink in. Well, there is no time for that.

The world stops moving for no one, rich or poor, intelligent or foolish, happy or sad, it doesn't care who you are, what you're go in through. Life is just that unfair.

I learnt this a long time ago. Here I am writing another test about it. I am really uncertain about my future though. I feel like things are only gonna get worse, I mean I've been through hell before, starting a young age but I feel this time it's gonna be worse.

I put the newspapers back in the box before moving them to a corner. I opened one of the boxes to look for my library books so I coukd catch up on my reading. I took out a framed picture of my mother in a squat position with Melvin and I standing on either side of her.

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