Chapter 13

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》》Jason Dutton《

I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I was making an omelette when I heard whispering from behind me. I spun around to see Roxy and Jack.

"Morning bro," Roxy smiled merrily.

"Morning, um...what- I mean when did Jack come over? And what was he doing in your room?" I switched off the stove and walked out of the kitchen.

"Oh! He was just helping me with something," she replied as I leaned on the wall.

"Yeah, she asked me to give her a massage," Jack added.

"A massage?" I enquired cocking a brow.

"Yeah, I woke up with a sore back."

"If you say so," I sighed before heading back to the kitchen to finish up my breakfast.

Roxy walked Jack out saying, "Thanks for the massage, honestly your fingers work like magic."

"Dont worry about it, if you need another session, I'm only one call away."

I heard the door close as their conversation went on. I sat in the balcony enjoying breakfast when I looked down to see Roxy and Jack making out.

'Massage huh?' I thought.

I sighed and went on fuelling myself with energy for the day. I heard the front door open then close.

"Roxanne!" I called.

She popped her head through the balcony door, "Yup."

"Come here, sit with me." She sat on a chair by my side. "Tell me, did you and Jack really have a massage session?"


"But the last time he tried to massage your shoulders you said it was only making things worse," I pointed out.

"Well he did better this time."

"Oh, so he did so well you had to give him a goodbye kiss?"

Her eyes widened slightly. "You saw that?" she laughed nervously.

I nodded. "So tell me Roxanne what were you and Jack really doing?"

"That's none of your business, now I'm going to have my breakfast," she smiled.


There was a knock on the door. I got up and opened it to see Adrian.

"Adrian, come in."

She walked inside as I closed the door.

"What brings you here?" I asked her.

She walked up to me until we were only foot's distance apart. "You want a queen, you got a queen. I'm in," she stated.

"What changed your mind," I asked trying to keep my excitement levels under control.

"That's not important. I know this is what I want and I trust that we won't get caught. I've thought long and hard and I think this is my chance."

All I could do was smile.

"So? Am I in?"

"Definitely," I grinned.

Just then the door opened. I looked up to see Daniel.

"Daniel, what are you doing here?" I asked.

He closed the door behind him saying, "I'm here to have a talk..." He looked up at Adrian and I, "I see I came at a bad time."

"A very bad time."

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