Chapter 51

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I gave Arthur his school bag and gave him a peck on the forehead. "I'll see you after chess club."

He smiled and waved before making his way into the school. I then walked to a cheap motel close by. That was where I'd meet a client.

I went tot he reception. "Hi. Im looking for Mr Collard."

"Second floor, room 5," the receptionist said.


I made my way up to the room. He said the door would be open so I walked right in closing the door behind me.

I saw him laying on the bed already undressed.

"It's good to see you again," he smiled. "I'll pay you afterwards."

I stared at the old pervert for a moment. I sighed and undressed taking the sheets off of him to reveal his naked body.

I put on a smile as I got on top of him. Just then his phone started ringing. He took the call. After he hung up he said, "We'll have to make this quick, my daughter is in labour."

Wow. He's about to become a grandfather and he's- never mind.

I inserted his dick into my opening and went slow for a while so my body would adjust. After a while I speeded up. He took my waist and controlled how fast I went as he let out moans and grunts.

I kissed him as I slowed down.

We changed position and he put me on my hands and knees. He inserted himself and went at full speed.

"Just like that, mm that feels so good," I moaned.

He pulled on my hair and leaned in whispering stuff in my ear. He then held my kneck and leaned back, strangling me as he went faster.

I froze when I felt him climax inside of me and realised we hadn't been using protection.



I paid for the pills and exited the pharmacy. I went to my apartment. Stuck on the door was a notice of eviction, giving me a week to pack and move. I sighed grabbing the sheet stuck to the door and going inside.

I went to the kitchen and opened the box taking a pill.

'This should do. If I fall pregnant I'm screwed,' I thought.

I looked at the notice of eviction feeling my stress levels rise.

All of a sudden, like a switch turned on somewhere I had the bright idea to get high. I made my way to my bedroom and looked through my clothing.

I took out the pack and smiled, "Come to momma."


I stepped out of my car and looked around. I looked through Daniel's phone, found his house, went there and searched the place. I found documents which stated Arthur goes to a school in an area in Bedford.

I had to start looking.

I walked into the school premises and made my way to the fron office.

"Can I help sir?" a lady asked.

"Yes, I am in search of my son and I was told he attends a school in this area. He's in second grade and his name's Arthur Markham," I explained.

"Arthur Markham?" The lady went and grabbed a file and looked through before shaking her head. "No Arthur Markham here."

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