Chapter 22

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"Help!!! Jason!!!"

I dropped the food and dashed into her room. There were a couple of guys in the room who's heads turned to look at me.

"Get him," one instructed.

Two guys attacked me beating me to the floor. They then picked me up and held me by both my arms.

The "leader" walked up to me and said, "So this is your brother? Nice meeting you."

"What's your problem?" I asked.

"What's my problem? Let's see, what is my problem... I promised Roxanne I'd be back for a round two. Isn't that right Roxanne?"

"What are you talking about?!" I asked trying to break free.

"Oh, she didn't tell you. Roxanne, you didn't tell your brother what happened on that faithful night when I worked my magic inside of you?" He walked up to Roxy.

Roxy stared at him with fear in her eyes, fear I had never seen in my sister. "Get away from me Sebastian!" she yelled with fear in her voice.

"Get away? Not until I have what I came here for. I'm surprised you slept around for a while despite what I put you through, on top of that your dear brother doesn't know a thing," Sebastian said getting on top of Roxy.

"Roxy? What is he talking ab- oh!!" One of the guys kicked me in the stomach before giving me a hard right to the jaw.

"I could tell you... but I think it'd be better to show you," Sebastian stated with a sly devilish smile.


I watched as detectives scanned the area looking for new clues. Dad walked up to me and asked, "If you were a master mind criminal and your sister got shot what would you do?"

"I definitely wouldn't take her to hospital," I stated.

"Valid but I shot her to the stomach and chest. That is pretty critical," he said. "And I think Falcon is smart enough to know that he can't not take her to hospital."

"Well, I don't know. He did say the only thing you're putting behind bars is his corpse."

Dad sighed. "But why did he kill Klaus Malone?"

"They are both criminals, probably had some unfinished business?" I suggested.

"Was this "unfinished business" so important or personal he had to kill. From all my years trying to capture the Falcon, he had never committed murder," dad pointed out.

"Well dad, I don't know," I sighed.

Dad sighed and walked off after a detective called for him. I looked at the ground beneath me and saw tyre marks.

I looked at the direction in which they started and ended. I rewinded my brain to that night, the shootout took place right where my father and the two detectives were standing.

I walked a few steps and stood in position. This was exactly where I was standing, next to Jack. I walked ten steps back, tracing my quick steps for cover during the shootout. I stopped and realised this is where Calvin had parked.

I looked at the floor. Exactly where I stood was exactly where the tyre marks began. The curved marks were probably caused by drifting and the vertical marks...

I looked up following their direction. They had used the furthest exit. I looked up and saw a security camera. I had to find the tape and ensure no one else knew this camera was working.

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