Chapter 49

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I sighed making my way to my room. I stopped when I heard someone call for me. "Jason, man do I have news for you!" Jack exclaimed.

I quickly lightened up and pretended to be interested.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I'm making you a godfather," Jack smiled.

I cocked a brow in confusion. "What do you mean you're making me a godfather? Who's godfather am I?"

Jack rolled his eyes, "Ok let me speak Spanish for you," I sighed impatiently, "Guess who's gonna be a father?"

"Tyler's pregnant?" I enquired.

"No dumbass, she's got a dick. Yes, she is preggers!!"

"Awe! Congrats!" I exclaimed giving him a hug. "Better treat 'er like a queen, and you better take care of that child. If you abandon your child I'm gonna disown you. And," I grabbed him by the neck, "I'll murder you!!"

"Love to see you try," he laughed. "And because I'm never gonna mistreat anyone, I need your help. Jason, we have to get married-"

"I can arrange that," I offered. "I just need a date and-"

"Today," he stated.

I froze. I gave him a look. "Are you stupid?" I asked him.

"Correction, I'm an idiot who's in love," he smirked.

"Explains a lot. Anyways, unless y'all want a crappy wedding, I need at least two weeks man. If y'all wanna go to Vegas or something then go ahead," I sighed.

"Do you know how to ordain a wedding?" Jack asked with a huge grin taking up almost his whole face.

"Now why in hell would I learn how to ordain a wedding?" I yelled.

"Shh! Anyways, do you know how to or not? And don't you dare lie to me!"

I sighed. "Maybe?"

"I'll take it. Get into a black suit and meet me outside where the Lamborghini is parked," Jack ordered.

"You're doing it now?!"

"Yes! We'll do it again after ten years," Jack smiled giving me a wink.

'This brother of mine' I thought.

I went to my room and got changed, wearing a simple suit with a tie. I made my way downstairs where Jack told me to meet him. Leaning on the Lamborghini was Calvin.

"Hey man," I greeted giving him a handshake, "Did he invite you?" I asked.

"He called me this morning at 3 in the morning, he said it was an emergency. I rush here to find out he needs me to film his wedding. Like...dude! I thought George found y'all!"

I burst into laughter, "Well, we both know that Jack would go as far as saying he's got his leg chopped off and is in the middle of the dessert for Tyler. He loves her."

"Yeah," Calvin sighed.


I took a deep nervous breath before walking into the garage. "Hey Tye!" I exclaimed.

"Ow!" Tyler piped after bumping her head.

She got out from under a car and sighed. "Yes Jack?"

"Why you dealing with the Nitro, I said I'd do it," I said helping her to her feet.

"Yeah, I just wanted to do it though, it's the only thing left that keeps me attached to cars, repairing them," she sighed. "Anyways," she turned to look at me, wrapping her arms around my neck, "what brings you here?"

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