Chapter 31

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I took a deep breath before getting out of bed. I was going to see Adrian after about two months of her disappearance. I had to ensure Jason didn't find out though I highly doubt he would. When he's depressed he doesn't notice anything.

After freshening up I went to the living room. Jason was asleep on the couch in a very awkward position, not really surprised since he's always sleeping in a funny position.

I thought I should rearrange him so he he wouldn't wake up with a stiff neck or shoulder but it would be funny to hear him whine in pain so I left him.

I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for myself. I had a long day ahead of me so i had to have a decent breakfast.

I was first going to see Jack and ask a few questions, see how he's doing. Then I was going to find Adrian.

Knowing Jack he would try to seduce me and get me to get into bed with him but I wasn't in the mood for any sex.

Adrian sent me the address and to my surprise she is in Bedford. I'd never imagine her to go there. I knew how the people in that place were. I knew everything about that place cause that's where we grew up.

When dad left after mom died Jason worked hard and we moved here, to Southpoint along with Jack. Here is where we met Tyler and she introduced us to the rest of the crew and we all became good friends.

Bedford is a dangerous place, just beyond the city of Southpoint. It's more of a ghetto than a town. Its pretty rundown. Violence, terror and hatred everywhere. The people who live there were all just people abandoned by society and have to resort to crime and violence to make a living.

The people there are desperate, so i had to go armed. If something happens to me Jason is gonna snap. Jason is gonna blame Adrian and Adrian is gonna die.

I heard a groan coming from the living room.

"You awake?" I asked.

"Yeah," Jason replied.

I walked out of the kitchen to see him stretching, "Does Jason have sore neck again?" I teased.

"Nope," he smiled.


"I'm all goo-ow!!" he said trying to roll his shoulders.

I laughed. "I could teach you how to sleep if you want," I offered.

"No. I sleep just fine-ouch!!"

"If you say so," I said heading back to the kitchen to finish making my breakfast

"You going out?" I heard my brother ask from the living room.


His voice was coming from behind me when he asked, "Where you going?"

"I'm going to see Jack and then I'm hanging out with a friend."

"Y'all still lovers?"

"No. I hadn't seen him until dad died," I sighed.

"Why you going to see him?" Jason asked as I made my way to the dining table.

I took a seat before answering his question. "I just have questions."

"What kind of questions?"

I looked at him, "Man you are so nosy today."

"Just making sure you're gonna be safe."

"As if Jack is gonna hurt me. Jason, you're being ridiculous." I was silent for a moment trying to think of what he was trying to get me to tell him. "And if this is what you were trying to get out of me, I'm not sleeping with him. I'm in no mood for sex!"

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