Chapter 43

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"Can we talk?"

Jason stepped aside and let me into his dark room. I clicked pause on the song he was listening to. "What's up?"

"Look Jason, I know you are still messed up inside. I mean who am I kidding you lost your sister less than three weeks ago. But you are in danger here. We have to leave this place," I explained.

"Jack, you're my brother and I get that you're tryna protect me and yourself but... I lost the most important person in my life! I bought this place for her! I resorted to crime for her! I got nothing to lose now, absolutely nothing!

"Adrian won't let me help her or get anywhere close to my son! You want me to kill George, but even if I do kill him, what's next?! I don't wanna live for fucks sake! I wanna see my family again," he yelled as tears began to stream down his face.

"Look Jason, I know you overwhelmed with pain right now but death isn't the answer. You gotta trust me on this one please," I begged.

"It was my fault Jack. It was my fault!! It was my fault Roxy was killed! I failed to to keep the last promise I ever made to my mother! I failed to protect Roxanne! I failed! And its my fault! If I had just listened to her doubts. If I had just...

"The people I love are dead because of me! It's all my fault! Save yourselves! Not bother saving a failure like me. Just leave!" Jason yelled as tears rolled down his face.

"Jason, I get you're hurt and you think it's all your fault but you gotta do whatever you have to in order to move on and we want to help you," I urged.

"Help me? Help someone that doesn't wanna help themselves? No. Leave Jack, don't come back!"

"But Jason-"

"Are you best friend or not?!" he interrupted.

"I am."

"Then you will leave!"

"Not without you," I argued.

"Just leave me alone! I don't care anymore, ok?! I can die and go rot in hell! I don't need you anymore! Move on! Find someone else to call your brother!"

"But Jason-"

"Jack!! Leave!"

"Come on, you're being selfish and stupid."

"If you're gonna stay with me, then guess what, I don't give a fuck if you die at the hands of George! Leave! If you don't wanna die, leave! When someone else dies don't blame it on me!"

I sighed. I took two steps forward and stopped when he pulled out a gun.


"Jason, listen to yourself. You're not ok in the head, what you're saying makes no sense. Put the gun down, we both know you won't shoot-"

"Oh I won't shoot?!" He pulled the trigger and the bullet hit the wall just missing me. "Leave!!"



I sighed and left the room.

I went to the study where Tyler and Calvin were. "Let's go," I told Tyler.

I went downstair and grabbed the car keys.

"Jack? Are you alright?" Tyler asked from behind me.


She pulled me back and asked again, "Are you alright?"

I sighed. "What he's doing is selfish. He doesn't care! He wants nothing to do with life! He doesn't care about how I feel! But it's cool, we'll leave."

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