Chapter 37

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I knocked on the door. "I seriously think we shouldn't do this," Melvin said anxiously.

"Do you wanna save your sister or not?" I enquired eyeing him.

He smiled, "You're so bossy."

I rolled my eyes before knocking again.

The door was opened and I clicked record on my phone. I was almost shocked to see Adrian. I mean it was normal to gain weight during pregnancy and but she looked really different. Not because of the weight gain but becuase of the look in her eyes.

Something Jason said Adrian and I had in common was the fire in our eyes. But it seemed the fire had died and everything was just dark.

She frowned at our presence and was about to close the door when I stopped her. "We need to talk," I told her.

"I told you that I never wanna see you again."

"And I told you I'd help you get Jason to get a fertility test again."

He eyes lit up slightly. "Not interested," she said sounding rather hurt than uninterested.

"Even if Jason is fertile and could be the father of that very child you are expecting?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her so I wouldn't miss her reaction.

She took a deep breath. "Not interested. Now would please leave?"

"But Adrian you can't give up now," Melvin intervened.

"Didn't I tell you I didn't need your help!" Adrian spat.

"But I'm your older brother-"

"We aren't even blood related!"

"We share a mother genius!"

"Adrian, listen to me. You are strong, you are courageous, but even a strong woman needs help, or a someone to lean on," I tried urging.

Adrian turned and made her way inside were she leaned on the couch for support. "Just leave me alone," she cried laying her hand on her belly. We couldn't push her further or we'd basically force her into labour.

"But Adrian, you can't do this alone," Melvin begged.

I lay my hand on his shoulder and said lowly, "I think we should stop. Give her a break."

"Adrian. Let us help you," Melvin went on.

I got him to look at me. "Melvin, listen to me. You have to stop. She is at a late stage of her pregnancy and if we force it, it will be fatal."

"But I am not gonna lose her."

He walked up to Adrian and I sighed, "Men."

"Adrian, I won't let you do this to yourself. You are gonna kill yourself if you keep going like this," he said.

Adrian snapped. She looked at her brother with her eyes filled with rage. "Well I don't wanna live anymore!! So you'd be doing me a favour if you just left me alone!!!"

Then she all of a sudden weakened. She lay her hand on her belly, "Oh no. Oh God no, uhh." She weakened futher as she slowly dropped to the floor. I knew this would happen.

"Adrian? What's the matter? What's wrong Adrian? Adrian!"

I went outside and called an ambulance.


"She what?!"

"Jason, calm down. She's in hospital as we speak. Melvin stayed there to keep us updated and be by her side," I stated.

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