Chapter 3

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》》Jason Dutton《《

It's been two weeks after my father was hospitalised and Roxy and I haven't been the best of siblings.

We hardly see each other even though we live in the same apartment, she leaves early in the morning and returns late at night, sometimes she doesn't return at all.

When we see each other we argue, she didn't take part in her favourite heist, ATM bombing and she doesn't talk to me or annoy me like before.

I was in the kitchen making breakfast when Roxy walked in.

"Good morning," I greeted.

She ignored me and put her keys on the shelf. She took off her coat and sighed.

"Where were you?"

She ignored me again and was about to head for her room when I stood in her way.

"I was out Jason," she said before trying to go past me.

I stood in front of her again, "That ain't valid."

"I was at the hospital. Happy now?"

"How's he doing?" I asked standing in her way once again.

"Why would you care?"

"Cause," I mumbled heading back to the kitchen.

"Cause?" I heard from behind me.

"I hate the fact that I still love him," I sighed.

"Then go see him," Roxy suggested.

"No. He doesn't deserve it," I said bitterly.

"Jason, I don't understand. You love him but you act so sour around him. You show care to everyone else you love, to all our friends but you don't care this much for your own father?!"

"Because he was the reason we lost our mother! Ok! It was his fault! I didnt want you knowing this but it's time you opened your eyes!

"Mom was hospitalised for three months! Wanna know why? Dad refused to pay for her heart transplant! That's why!! He was a millionaire but he refused to save his wife and children's lives.

"While he was out living in luxury we were living in Bedford in complete poverty!! He never called! He never cared about us! So why in hell should I care about him?!"

I turned around to look at Roxy. She was slowly heading to her room, head down and eyes to the floor.

"Roxy...Roxanne, I'm sorry," I apologised. But it was no use, she went to her room without saying a word or even looking at me.

I sighed in frustration as I heard the door close.


I walked out of my room and was walking past Roxy's room when I stopped in my tracks. She had been in there all day and I was starting to get worried.

I went back a few steps and knocked on the door.

No answer.

I knocked again. "Roxy? You good?"


I knocked again with a bit of anxiety rising within. "Roxanne? Could you open up? I needa talk to ya."



Jack came up to me. "Whats up? We needa be outta here in ten."

"I need to talk to her but she won't open the door," I whispered trying to conceal the pain I was feeling.

"Ok lemme try."

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