Chapter 33

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I sighed and looked at the floor. I was in a position where... I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to help. I felt like I was losing my brother again.

I don't wanna lose Jason again. He's already fading away. Drifting further and further away. He was just losing himself. He was already distancing himself from me.

I looked up at my brother once more. I pulled him by the arm my heart sinking and pulled him into a hug as tears raced down my face.

"Jason, please... come back to me. You're leaving me again. Just, come back. Leave everything behind, don't think about anything, don't worry about everything and just come back to me!"

I felt him wrap his arms around me, hugging back.


I went downstairs after searching Jason's room and the study for my brother. Jason was no where to be found.

I went outside. I found him sitting on a bench under a tree. He was crying again.

I sat next to him. "Jason." He looked at me. "Please, tell me what's wrong. You're killing me. I don't know how to help, what to do."

He sighed wiping his tears.

"What's wrong?"

"Robert killed dad."

"What do you mean? Tell me, talk to me, I'm here for you."

"Robert told me that he payed dad a visit, he told him that he was gonna make us suffer behind bars. Dad stressed out so Robert offered him a box of cigars. Robert is the reason dad smoked in the first place.

"Dad couldn't handle the stress, he was worried and didn't know how to calm down so he smoked and now he's dead and it was all Robert's fault and..."

"Hey, calm down," I interrupted his fast speaking.

"I killed him after he finished explaining. A lot went through my head as I fired that bullet and I don't know what to do. I'm just so confused, so lost. I don't wanna live anymore," he cried.

"Jason, no, please don't say that. Please, I just lost dad, I can't lose you. Please... Jason, listen to me, I need you here. Next to me. By my side ok? If you die, I die. Just... tell me what you want and I'll do everything I can to get it for you."

"You can't..."

"Test me. Try me, I'll do it. Just tell me. Please," I cried desperately trying to wipe away my continuous stream of tears.

"I want mom. I want dad. I want things to be good again. I want you to be safe and happy. I want our friends to prosper in all that they do. I don't wanna worry anymore. I don't wanna be depressed anymore. I want Adrian!"

He wiped his tears and before repeating, "I want Adrian. She was the closet thing I had to true happiness. She was the love of my life and I blew it with my fucking temper! Now I don't wanna fucking live anymore!!"

My eyes widened in realisation. This was it. This was what I needed, what Adrian and Jack needed to hear.

I wiped my tears and took a deep breath pulling myself together. "You want Jack?"

He nodded.

"You want Adrian?"

He nodded.

"I'll give 'em to you. Jack and Adrian. You will have them again."


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