Chapter 16

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》》Jason Dutton《

Three months had passed, Adrian was a great queen, she was in great control, she knew how to handle everything and everyone. A really fast leaner. But in my life, she was everything. She brought the smile on my face, she didn't just completely fit into my world, she meant the world to me.

I had gone back to playing chess in order to prove to her father I had a good reputation going as a chess player and I was on my way to grandmasters.

Adrian had planned our previous heist and it was a great success. I'm really proud to have her by my side.

I opened the door for her before following her inside.

"Hello sweetheart," Robert greeted his daughter, embracing her in his arms.

"Hi dad."

"Jason," he gave me a handshake, "I'm glad you two could make it for dinner. I'm a professional in the kitchen especially when it comes to seafood. I hope you're a fan Jason."

"I don't mind Mr Markham," I smiled.

"Come on son, please just call me Robert. Take a seat, make yourself at home while I set the table."

Robert made his way to the kitchen while Adrian and I sat together in the living room.

"I see he is in a jolly mood today," I smiled.

"Maybe he finally took a few days off," she stated rolling her eyes.

"So, how'd Skye treat ya two days ago when I left you in charge again?" I asked.

She sighed, "Does that guy have a girlfriend?"

I shook my head, "Nope."

"Good, cause that guy was getting on my damn nerves. Honestly. He is as stubborn as a mule!"

I laughed as she went on explaining what a difficult person Skye was.

"Well, I know my girl doesnt give up cause she likes a good challenge," I smirked tucking a few strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Oh please, yes, I love a good challenge but Skye... he is just something else, I think he was cursed."

"Wow," I laughed.

"Nah seriously, Skye is beyond a challenge, he is a curse," she concluded.

"Well, I know my girl can defeat anything that stands in her way, be it a stubborn mule, a curse, she will fight and she will win cause she is magical like that," I smirked.

We kissed but were interrupted.

"Ahem! That is the living room not the making out room." We broke the kiss and looked at Robert who stood at the dining table. "Come on! Dinner is served!"

We got up and went to the dinner table. We ate and enjoyed dinner. We chatted away, laughing and sharing past experiences.

After dinner Adrian and I did the dishes before joining him in the living room. "So Jason, what are your intentions with my daughter?" Robert asked.

"Well, honestly I've already fulfilled my intentions with your daughter, which was to build a strong relationship with her. Well, if we're talking long-term, then I say, I want to continue to build this relationship into something special, something unbreakable.

"I've been single for 12 years, my last girlfriend was in primary school, when I was a boy, and now that I have her as a man, I understand what love is and I love her, I think I want to take this relationship all the way," I explained.

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