Chapter 21

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We drove across the empty carpark and came to a halt in a drift. I was already wearing my mask and gloves, not risking anything. I got out of the Black Panther and walked walked up to the two groups of six with Adrian and Roxy close behind.

"Gentlemen, ladies, we're not here for a commotion. I just wanna talk to Klaus Malone and I'll be on my way," I stated.

"Who's asking?" one of the men asked.

"Haven't heard of the best gun supplier in the city?" I heard Roxy ask.

The man I was looking for stepped forward, "Black Falcon, I'm sure it couldn't hurt to chat here in the open."

"Unfortunately Mr Malone this is something between you and I alone. That is unless you want a commotion," I stated as the rest of my crew stepped out of their vehicle armed and ready to shoot.

Klaus looked around and smirked. I gesture my head showing him which direction I wanted him moving.

We walked up the stairs to the top floor.

"I don't know what your problem is Falcon, I just came here to do business..." he went silent as I loaded my automatic pistol.

"Turn around," I instructed.

He turned to face me.

"What was your problem with Daniel Dutton?" I asked.

"Oh, the chess player, he made my payment late. He didn't even pay me the full amount, he only gave me a third of what he owes. He says he doesn't want his children to be left with his debt, but at this rate, his wish will remain a wish," he explained.

Just then we heard sirens from police and shooting. He tried to flee but I shot his leg.

"You're not going anywhere!"

I tucked my gun in my pants and picked up Klaus shoving him against the wall.

"Why'd you shoot him?" I asked.

"I don't owe you no explan-ooh," I kicked him in the stomach.

"Tell me!!"

"What's it to you?"

I punched him thrice. "Answer my damn question!!"


I picked him up and threw him on the ground. I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him puffing in rage.

"Why does this seem so personal?" he coughed trying to sit up.

I pulled off my mask and yelled, "This is personal! You shot my father for revenge!!"

His eyes widened, "The Black Falcon is the son of the pesky chess player?"

"Yeah. You shot my father out revenge.  Here's my revenge." I shot him three times in the legs.

He screamed in pain.

I put on my mask and buckled it up. I was about to leave when he began throwing insults at me.

"Your father was and always will be a fool. An intelligent fool. One as smart as himself is nothing without wisdom. He is has no wisdom whatsoever despit how old he is..."

I spun around and shot him in the stomach.

He continued to speak, "The truth is, he never knew how to protect all he had. He lost his wife, children and all his riches. He lost his wife to death, his children to fame and his fortune to me."

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