Chapter 1

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Mikayla's POV-

It was a normal day hanging out with Karlie. I was sitting on the couch watching The Walking Dead (p.s. RIP Beth) when Karlie came in. "Heyy" she said sitting next to me. "Heyy what's up?" I asked staying focused on the show. "Not much I'm really bored" she said sighing. "same here" I said as I turned off the TV as the show ended.

"Hey I have an idea!" I said. "Yah what is it!?" She asked, shouting in my face. Ah, the usual Karlie.

"Let's call over Alyssa" I suggested. "Okk" she said as she got up to get her phone. Karlie called Alyssa while I layed upside down on the couch waiting.

"She is coming over in an hour, Haley is coming too." She said. "Ok!" I decided that since I was still in pajamas I'd get dressed. I put on white high waisted shorts and a MagCon top. I curled my hair and put on my normal make-up. I ran in to Karlie's room to see what she is wearing and yet again she is wearing the same thing as me except she had her hair in a messy bun. We were happy we got to see Alyssa we hadn't seen her all summer! School starts in a couple weeks so we are enjoying summer as much as we can.

Karlie's POV-

I can't wait for Alyssa and Haley to come over. Me and Mikayla live together so we do everything together, we've been best friends since 6th grade and she's like a sister to me.

We had about 15 more minutes before they got here so I had to finish getting ready. I'm wearing white high waisted shorts and a MagCon crop top. My hair is in a messy bun and light makeup as always.

I decided to put on a new pair of my Hollister flip-flops. The doorbell rang. "I got it" Mikayla said. I heard everyone down stairs and I ran down to excited to hold back! I'm with all my best friends now.

Mikayla and I had big news for Alyssa but we are not going to tell her until later on. Haley came in with her boy friend Matt. I knew they would be together. We went up to Mikayla's room since her room is the cleanest.

Me, I'm not the cleanest person so I have clothes everywhere and anywhere you could think of. We decided to play truth or dare, like all 15 year olds.

"Truth or dare" Alyssa asked. "Dare" I said. "I dare you to go downstairs and Twerk right next to Haley and Matt."
"Deal" I said. I did it. They just laughed. After a while we got bored of that. So we decided to watch movies.

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