Chapter 1

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Christmas morning. I woke up to another day in this children's home, in the room I shared with four other girls. My name is Scarlett Roscoe. My mum out me here when I was born, her, dad and my five brothers don't want me. I can't stand spending another Christmas in this dump. I heard the other girls waking up. I only really get on with two of them. Little Lola, who's three years old, and my best friend Maddie who's 14, like me. The other two girls are Lucy, who's 7 and Edwina, who's 16 and leaving soon. I looked across to the wall, where a picture of my brothers and mum and dad was stuck up. Right, I thought, I'm not spending another Christmas, wondering why they don't love me. I walked over to Maddie and Lola's bunk and woke them up.

"Maddie, wake up. Lola, do you want to go on an adventure?" Lola nodded eagerly and Maddie looked cautious.

"Scar, what are we doing?" Maddie asked.

"Going to see my family. It's a ten minute walk. They live in hollyoaks." I told Maddie and Lola. Well, I couldn't go on my own could I?

"Maybe let's leave Lola here." Maddie said. I agreed, not the best thing to do, taking a three year old out, so we let her fall back to sleep. I went to get changes and ready to go. I put on some skinny jeans, with a white t shirt that had a black heart on it, cropped at the front and long at the back, put on my woolly cardigan and scarf, socks and white converse. Then I applies mascara to my eyes and a bit of blusher on my cheeks. I tied my curly hair in a ponytail, found my coat, and Maddie and I left.

"What are you going to say to them?" Maddie asked.

"Ask them why they don't want me, to be honest, I just didn't want to spend another Christmas there, and could do with the company, for when things go pear-shaped." I told her, and she grinned as we reached the front steps. I rang the doorbell. When a ma opened it, I could tell it was joe straight away. Holding my little nephew, JJ.

"Hi...Joe." I said shyly.

"Do I know you?" Joe asked.

"Um, I'm Scarlett, your sister?"

"I don't have a sister....ZIG!" Joe called out.

"What man, I'm opening my presents." Ziggy said.

"This kids claiming she's our sister."

"I am, I'm Scarlett roscoe, my mums sandy, and your all my brothers."

"Is this some kind of sick joke?" Ziggy asked. I shook my head. "MUM!" Ziggy called out. Mum walked out, all smiles, then she saw me, and her face was a look of guilt.

"Mum. Looks like they didn't know about me at all. You told me they didn't want me, and left me in that place." I looked at her coldly, and then started to walk away.

"So it's true." I heard joe say. "Scarlett, and friend, come back! Now we know. We want you here, right zig?"

"Yeah course, come in sis." Ziggy said. Maybe this is the start of something new? With my brothers. We all three walked in to the front room, with mum and Maddie trailing behind.

"Freddie, Jason, Rob, this is Scarlett, our little sister, it's true, we have a little sister! The one we always wanted." Joe told them. I saw Lindsey, joes fiancée, she came up to me and hugged me and said it would be nice to have another girl around the place except for her, sandy and Kim. Kim and me compared hair styles. Jason told me about his girlfriend, holly and Robbie told me about his girlfriend, phoebe, who I have no doubt that I will meet soon.j of tot to hold JJ, ziggy took Maddie home and told the home that I would be staying with them. Dad said he couldn't believe he finally had a daughter.

"I'm tired now." I told Lindsey, I knew I was gonna get along great with her.

"Come on, you can sleep in the guest bedroom." She showed me where it was, and I unpacked my things that ziggy had packed up for me. Wow, I can't believe all this has happened, on just one Christmas Day.

I was just about ready to get into bed and snooze off, when ziggy walked in.

"Scarlett, your a girl. Tell me how to woo this one girl I really like." He asked me,

"Ooooh zigs got a crush! What's she like? What's her name? Details please." I grinned at him.

"Typical little sister, you. Ok, she's really really nice, and we got a lot of chemistry, she has a little girl called Rose, she had cancer, but she's over it, they missed the signs, but she's having my baby in about 2 months and her names Tegan."

"Aww Zig, you got it bad. And I'm gonna be an auntie again! Well, just tell her how you feel, works every time." I told him.

"Ok, I'll let you sleep now." Ziggy hugged me and walked out, I gradually dozed off.

Scarlett Roscoe - Hollyoaks. [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now