07 | business over child

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"Why the fuck are you still here?" the girl grumbled as she walked down the flight of stairs, seeing the suited man by the end.

"Quite rude of you to say that to the owner of this house, Keiko." he snorted and fixed his tie.

"You're not the boss of me." the said girl crossed her arms, stopping by the middle.

Her uncle chuckled, "But I technically own your life."

Keiko sneered at his retort, trudging down the stairs, not even sparing a glance at the old man. "Some mafia shit has been going around my bar again, at least do something if you want to be a good parent, Hansuke." she scoffed and sat on the couch.

"I told you to stop calling me by my name, Keiko! We're family–"

"I don't have a family ever since my own family decided to sell me off to you!"

Hansuke sighed, "Look, Keiko, I know it has been hard for you, but please, your parents loved you."

"They loved their business more than they loved their child."

The man was taken aback by her words, it was no doubt true. Sighing, he crossed his arms, trying to think of a way to make her feel better. They have been together for years now, yet still Keiko didn't want to treat him as a real father. She didn't want to hurt herself by lying that everything will be okay.

Nothing was okay.

"Do you love me more than your business?" Keiko glanced at him, only to find his head lowered, not wanting to meet her gaze. With clenched fists, she shut her eyes tightly, "Ugh, forget it, I never wanted this life anyways."

"Just," she stands up, "do something about this mafia thing going around again."

Her uncle sighed, nodding, "I'll handle it. Did you know what mafia clan they were in?"

She shakes her head, "No. Both clans were unfamiliar to me, unfortunately."

Hansuke groaned, "Shit. I'll figure out something, I have to go." he muttered and grabbed his case, about to leave when the girl called him.

"Uncle, wait–"

Hansuke froze and turned to give her a confused expression, "What?"

"Are you in a mafia, too?"

Hansuke laughed, "No. Of course not. I'm just an associate, I work for The Golden Circle. An association clan." he told her truthfully, "I can tell you everything you want to know about me, but I really have to go now, I'll check up on you later." he waved at her before running out the doors.

Keiko scrunched her nose, "The Golden Circle?"

She rolled her eyes, fishing out her phone and contact Daniel. The sound of her phone ringing filled the silent atmosphere in the household. A few rings and the young boy finally picked up the call, and with a deep gruff voice he managed to say, "Noona? Jeez, it's so early! What the fuck do you want?"

"I need help from the best computer science student I know." Keiko chuckled upon his morning voice.

"Tsk," the boy scoffed lightly, "I'm probably the only person that studies computer science you know."

A gasp escapes Keiko's lips as she scrunched her nose, "Okay fuck it, just help me."

The young boy laughed at his right accusation, "What do you want?" he questioned, followed by a yawn. Daniel was definitely not a morning person.

"Could you look into some information about Yun Hansuke for me?"

Nothing but silence was heard from the other line and that confused her, a few seconds more of silence and then it got followed by faint snoring. Keiko groaned and yelled, "Yah! Jeong Daniel this is serious!"

The boy flinched and shot his eyes open, "Ah– shit, I fell asleep, sorry!"

"Isn't Hansuke your..."

"Uncle?" Keiko finishes and the boy hummed in response. "Yeah, but, you'd still look him up for me, right?"

Daniel yawned, "Yeah, of course. I don't have morning classes today anyways."

"Great! Call me if you find something suspicious– and don't dare to fall asleep!"

A heartfelt laugh emitted from the speakers of her phone, "Yes, Noona."

"I'll see you later at the bar!" she said before hanging up.

The reason why Keiko decided to let Daniel search up information than her was because she knew looking up for Hansuke's info wasn't that easy. She tried it once, nothing really popped up other than the fact the site stated that he was related to the Mikami family.

Keiko sighed and went to go get dressed up before heading out to meet Reiji at some convenient store.

Once she got there, she already saw the guy waiting for her. "Hey," Reiji waved at her and pulled out a seat. "What even crossed your mind that you wanted to roam around during morning?"

Reiji stifled a laugh, "Since when did you become a morning person?"

"I woke up earlier than I expected." the girl sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"What do you want to do anyways?"

"Let's visit my family's bar."

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