36 | throw knives

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"Damn this new model is sick!" Chenle squealed and held the sniper rifle, gawking at the new re-model Ten did. He went towards the shooting range, aiming before pulling the trigger. "Ten-hyung this is so cool!"

"I'm still working on the upgraded one," Ten murmured and watched the younger shoot some targets. The WayV members, including Renjun and Chenle, were in Ten and Yuta's unit, where he mostly stayed as he was either working with Yuta in modeling weapons or working on modeling explosives.

The door creaks open trudges in with a boring look plastered on her face. "What? Can't I hang out with y'all?" she makes a face and they all looked away.

Kun sends her a smile, "Of course you can– it's just, we'd never thought you will."

Keiko hummed and approached Chenle who sneered and stepped away from her making her chuckle, "Are you still flustered, Lele?"

Lele? The young boy's eyes widened at the sudden nickname, heat rushing up to his face as his ears reddened. What the hell, Chenle?

She stood beside him, gazing down at the gun, "Can I try?"

Chenle shook his head, keeping the sniper rifle away from her grasp, knowing very well that if he handed her a gun, it would be a disaster. Keiko scowled, rolling her eyes as she went to Ten instead, "Party pooper."

Chenle scoffed and aimed the rifle at her, "I'd shoot you."

"I'd like to see you try." she retorted, throwing him a weird look before turning back to Ten's work desk. A gunshot sound was heard, ringing through everyone's ears as the bullet had nearly hit Keiko. 

A playful smirk crept up her face as she glanced back at Chenle who had the sniper rifle pointed onto her. Kun hissed and snatched the rifle from Chenle's grasp, throwing it at Lucas who held onto it dearly, admiring the modeled gun.

"No killing each other, please?" the oldest boy pleaded and crossed his arms in front of him.

Xiaojun scoffed and pulled a small knife from his inner pockets, "I don't like that rule," he murmured and fiddled with the knife, "how about we play throw knives?"

Sicheng chuckled nervously, "I don't really think th—"

"Great!" she cuts him off and poked Ten's upper arm.

Ten pointed at the drawers, "There are some knives over there."

"Thank you!" she said and ran towards the drawer, pulling them open as she skimmed her eyes onto the numerous blades that were presented in front of her. Grinning, she loaded a few in her pocket and faced Xiaojun who seemed to be born ready.

A few minutes passed, nothing but yells and screams erupted from the office unit.

"Shit! Don't fucking hit us– Xioajun's the fucking target, Keiko! What a bad aim!" Hendery screeched and hid behind the dark blue couch, his hand clutched onto his wound.

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