40 | how did you find out?

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"What's with the face, Keiko?" Lucas pointed out upon seeing her. The girl was staring at the white walls of the kitchen, finding it more amusing than anything else at the moment.

A deep chuckle left his lips as he waved his large hand in front of her, trying to distract her form her daydream. "Keiko?"

Blinking, she shook her head and proceeded to drink the glass of cold water she actually came for. Greedily gulping down as she wiped the her mouth with the back of her hands, still paying no attention to Lucas.

A scowl on his face, he stretched his arm out, flicking her forehead to gain her attention. Averting her gaze onto the tall boy, she grumbled, "What do you want?"

Lucas raised both of his hands in surrender before gesturing his head towards the cupboard, "Damn, no need to be a grumpy smurf, Yun Keiko. I just wanted to grab something to eat."

After getting his treat. he stomped away, a muffled scream from his mouth as he heard the alarms go off, signaling that it was time for the first mission to commence. "Fuck! I'm late!"

"He's lucky Taeyong isn't that strict when it comes to time management." Doyoung mutters, looking back to where Lucas gone before sending a smile towards the Japanese girl.

"You seemed rather disturbed last night– was it? Or awhile ago?" he hummed, recalling her expression as soon as she got home. "Can't believe you let Yuta drink, Taeyong was so mad."

"Yeah– didn't think his alcohol tolerance was a bit down." she said, an uncomfortable feeling rising up in her as she remembered Yuta's lips on hers. Eyes tightly shut, she did her best to remove those thoughts.

"It isn't, actually. Yuta's fairly good with drinking– why? Did he do something?"

"Who did something?" both craned their heads towards the walkway, seeing the blue-haired suited man holding onto his phone.

"Yuta, we were talking about Yuta." Doyoung stated and shot a look at Keiko, squinting his eyes at her, "Keiko, did he?"

"What?" she innocently stared at him, acting as if nothing really happened. Well, a kiss wasn't that bad, right?

Of course it was that bad. She was talking to straight up madmen who were obsessive and compulsive. A simple kiss isn't really what they would call simple.

"Keiko, I was asking you, did Yuta do anything?" he rephrased, curiosity filling him as he caught on to her early acts. The way she thought he was drunk, it might've been one of Yuta's silly pranks to fool someone. Acting drunk? Taking advantage because of it? It was definitely a Yuta thing.

Running his palm against his face, a heavy sigh left his lips as he cracked a finger joint, "Seriously- Nakamoto Yuta." he muttered darkly under his breath.

Taeyong took notice of this and peered up from his phone, "Hmm? What about Yuta again?"

"Nothing." Keiko replied nonchalantly, sending a quick glare towards the consigliere who was already burning in anger.

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