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Who the fuck does she think she is!?

I rested my feet on the dashboard until Yangyang told me not to, "Yah! Feet off my car's dashboard!" he yelled and smacked my legs.

I yelped and placed them down, "Alright! Alright! Jeez." I scoff lightly and leaned back onto the car seat.

"Are you that annoyed that you weren't able to befriend her?" Yangyang raises a brow, glancing at me from time to time.

I stifled a laugh, "As if."

"Don't lie." he rolls his eyes and I huffed, throwing my hands up.

"What the fuck is wrong with her? Is she anti-social or something? I thought that girly was easygoing."

"She did seem easygoing towards other costumers..." Yangyang mumbled making me grunt.

"Most girls I befriended for undercover weren't like her."

Yangyang deadpanned, "Not every girl is the same, you know." he says, his eyes fixated on the road as he drove us back to the base.

My eyes glued outside the window, seeing nothing but darkness as we took a turn to a familiar restricted road, the road to our base. We lived in some secluded area here in Yongsan-gu, Mad City. We practically own the underground tunnels of the city, if not, we own the whole city during night.

"Are you upset?"

Brows furrowing, I snarled, "Why would I be upset?"

"Because you were—"

"Damn right I am!" I scrunched my nose, "I'm still trying to figure out something. At least something that would make her believe..."

"She actually only guessed that we were apart of a mafia– she didn't know at all!"

I bit my bottom lip, "That's the whole point, Yangyang. She tricked us."

I tilt my head as we entered the armed gates of our base. "I can't believe she fucking tricked us! I can't accept the fact she had the guts to trick a mafia member! I'm so going to get back at her."

"Well, she did had the guts to point a gun towards a mafia member." Yangyang chuckled dryly and I rolled my eyes at his words.

Once we arrived at the base, both of us went out and headed straight to the meeting room, where everyone was practically waiting for us.

Bursting into the room, I held a calm demeanor as I sat down beside Renjun.

"It's seems like the first plan didn't work?" Mark hummed, crossing his arms, a smirk tugging up his lips.

Yangyang pursed his lips, "What are we going to do now?"

Taeyong crosses his arms, an unfazed look plastered on his face, "You will continue befriending her until the week ends."

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