70 | codes and memories

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"I don't believe you one bit." Reiji shook his head, not buying any of Daniel's explanations.

Daniel groaned, glancing around them from time to time, making sure no one was listening or whatsoever. Keiko scrunched her nose, scanning down the boy's attire before coming into a realization.

Taehui might've implanted a tracker or microphone in this boy.

We can't trust him. Not at a situation like this.

The girl shrugged her shoulders as younger's gaze had faltered on her for help, but alas, Keiko also couldn't believe him right now.

"Daniel- if you were on our side, then maybe you could do something like fucking freeing us from these ropes." Reiji uttered a profanity, his knife-life gaze boring into Daniel's skin making the younger shiver and look away. He had only seen Reiji look or get mad a couple times, but he never thought he'd see it for him especially.

"And once I'm free, I'll make sure you learn your lesson. Or maybe how about we tie you against a chair instead huh?"

Daniel scowled, letting a deep sigh escape his lips. "I'm serious. I don't have a tracker on me or a microphone—"

"And what makes you say that?"

"Well, for one, Taehui doesn't—" Daniel was cut off shortly when someone had barged into the room. That person being a very familiar face to Pandora's Box workers.

Keiko's mouth went slightly agape, staring down at the woman who strutted towards them. Red high heel pumps stilettos clanking against the wooden flooring, her hips swaying ever so slightly as she smiled widely at them with her dark red lips.

"Wow-" Reiji murmured.

"You're sexy." Keiko blurted out randomly.

"Aww thank you babe. I know you remember me well, Cerise."

Keiko hummed, nodding slowly, "I definitely do. I saved you from getting drugged, Rose."

The female irked at her choice of nickname, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she leaned onto the chair Daniel sat on. "How's it going here? You better be keeping your mouth shut, Jeong Daniel."

Daniel held a stoic face, eyes emitting slight fear upon Dasom's arrival. "Of course. Like I would speak about anything." 

Dasom smiled, patting the top of Daniel's head, "Good boy. I'm gonna go, how about you stir me up a drink, Cerise?" Then her eyes landed on Keiko's tied up hands, "Oh wait- I forgot, you can't."

Keiko sniggered, rolling her eyes at Dasom's mocking words. "The first thing I'm gonna do is definitely poison you."

"Not the same Keiko I met who saved me from getting drugged."

"Yeah, and you're not the same Rose I met who I saved from getting molested."

Dasom scoffed, "I'm heading out. You better not go behind our backs, Jeong Daniel." She uttered out before exiting the room, the sound of her heels clanking on the floor gradually descending.

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