14 | for now, you win

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"What exactly is your motive here, Hyung?" the young hacker questioned as his fingers rapidly clicked on the keyboard, his eyes staring intently at the green flashing screen.

However, the Boss kept silent; gulping down his shot glass filled with strong vodka. Jisung sighed, the sound of his fingers across the keyboard filled the silent room.

"Hyung..." Jisung mumbled out softly. Glancing at the older from time to time as he couldn't seem to focus on his hack that much when Taeyong was in the room.



"You're asking me what my motive is?"

The young boy hummed, scratching his head as he carefully hacked with speed. "Ah shit– oh wait no... I got it!" he exclaimed and clicked a few keys, "Hmm... again now?"

Taeyong chuckled, "It's simple... I want to help her."

Jisung choked on the lump forming in his throat, "H-Help her?"

"She's in a more sad situation than you thought Jisung."

The younger boy pursed his lips, his fingers slowing down its pace as he scrolled through the pieces of information he got.

"What do you mean, Hyung?"

Taeyong coughed, "After speaking to Chenle... I've figured who she actually is."

Jisung raised a brow, "You mean..."

"The reason why only little information is displayed about her, is because Keiko was from Mikami Empire."

"Was?"  the young hacker couldn't help but shot his head up.

"I don't know why she's Yun Keiko now... I don't know why she's living with Hansuke.... That's why I want her."

"To know why?" Jisung sipped from his little carton of banana milk.

Taeyong tilts his head, staring at the empty wall, "Yes. But also to help her."

"How exactly will you help her? The fuck, Hyung! You're gambling with her life! Even yours!"

"She'll lose anyways."

"Who's attention are you trying to catch?"

"The Mikami's"

.      .      .


"What the fuck are you doing here again?" Keiko grumbles, seeing the familiar boy with a few new faces stepping in her bar.

"Well, isn't that just a rude way to greet a customer." one of them stated and walked pass the girl.

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