53 | we're not doing anything

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1:30 pm at SevenDays cafe, right?

Keiko sighed and closed her phone, putting on her shoes before heading downstairs to get some breakfast. On her way to the dining hall, she bumped into Ten who was also on his way there.

Ten smiled at her, patting the top of her head, silence remained between the two of them. She couldn't really say anything at the moment. All of her words got washed away, just by thinking of what happened last night.

For sure, what Kun said wasn't exactly the truth, going by what Kun said himself a few days ago; she shouldn't really trust him easily. And she doesn't. Kun literally snitched her, how could she possibly believe him now?

Qian Kun was an executive, the man who gave her all smiles yet still gave off a scary vibe sometimes. Yangyang was right, everyone was like hiding a monster in them.

The two walked in, earning a few glances from the other boys. Keiko sat down, in between Doyoung and Jaehyun, since that was the only seat left and available.

The girl stared down at her food, the faint shrill scream she heard was haunting her mind, keeping her awake until morning came. Exhausted — she looked so exhausted from all the thoughts that ran in her mind.

As Jisung ate his breakfast, he couldn't avoid glancing at the older girl as she continued to gaze down at hers, seemingly not in the mood to eat at all. She bit her bottom lip, contemplating whether to force herself to eat it or not.

Doyoung cleared his throat, earning her attention as she looked at him with a questioning look. "Are you not going to eat?" he asks, eyeing the untouched food on her plate.

Jaehyun glanced at the two of them, catching on that something wasn't right. Keiko ignored Doyoung, a frown on her lips.

Getting a bit anxious, Doyoung dropped his spoon, making it clang on the ceramic plate, earning the other boys' attention. His brows were furrowed, "Keiko, are you not going to eat?" he repeated, tapping her shoulder lightly.

Flinching at the touch, she shot him a look, sending him a forced smile, "Sorry, I'm not in the mood to eat right now." she pushed her chair back, standing up to leave the dining hall.

"Is she okay?" Yangyang questioned, averting his gaze onto Kun since he knew that the older was the one who sent the girl to her bedroom.

Kun shrugged, "I don't think so..."

Doyoung sighed, raking his hair before raising a brow, lightly kicking Taeyong's foot under the table, "What are you going to do with her?"

"She actually has a date today," Hendery spoke up, raising a finger.

"Date?" Donghyuck looked up from his plate, suddenly gaining interest in the conversation.

"A date with who?" Renjun tilts his head a bit to the side, "Better not be that Daniel guy."

Hendery snickered, "Too bad, it is Daniel."

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