57 | make her feel safe

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Sounds of constant loud banging on the wall made Jeno shift in his seat a lot. Peering over the dividers to see Donghyuck nonstop punching the wall in anger and as much as he wanted to stop him, he knew it was best to let him go for a few minutes.


"He's so stupid! Such a dick- argh!" Donghyuck sighed heavily and threw more hard punches into the wall.

Jaws and fists clenched tightly as he continued to ram his punches into the wall, the pain surging throughout his body didn't even matter one bit. The skin around his knuckles began to tear off again, the stinging feeling every time he took a hit was somehow pleasurable.

Renjun walked into the unit, shaking his head as the first thing to greet him was the sight of Donghyuck bursting out his anger onto the wall. "How long has he been doing this?"

Chenle glanced down his watch, "Over twenty minutes now."

Jeno huffed and stood up, not being able to take it any longer. He grabbed Donghyuck's shoulder and yanked him away from the wall, gasping at the sight of blood patterned on the wall. Hissing loudly, he scanned the latter's hands, seeing them charred and twitching. Seeing the blood slowly seep out from where his skinned ripped open made him glare at Donghyuck.

"What the hell? I thought you already cured your former bruises, but here I am finding out you made them worse?!" Jeno exclaimed, the anger building up in him. Renjun pursed his lips and approached the two, "Jeno–"

"Stop hurting yourself, Hyuck. I don't know what you gain from it– but you seriously need to stop it." Jeno said sternly, looking at Donghyuck directly in the eyes.

Donghyuck pressed his lips together, his swollen hands balled into a fist as he looked down. "But I deserve it."

"No! You don't– just because you told Keiko the mission was easy and she ended up getting shot doesn't mean you need to hurt yourself, just because you weren't able to take back on Daniel for hurting Keiko doesn't mean you should hurt yourself!"

Donghyuck pushed past through Jeno, "I sincerely like Keiko- okay? I- I just... I want to make her feel she's safe here, even if she doesn't trust us, or me." he said in a gruff tone before leaving their unit office. As he rushed out, he managed to run into Jaemin who gave him a sympathetic look.

He averted his gaze away hastily before scurrying off to his room. Jaemin walked into the office unit, finding everyone fallen silent from what had just happened. He scratched the back of his ear habitually, feeling his earrings for a bit. "Well, we have a meeting in thirty, so I suggest to prepare the documents."

"What have you gotten so far?" Jaemin pointed at Jisung who began rummaging through his stuff.

"Since Daniel knows a shit ton about computers as we do, we weren't really able to get a lot but I managed... and I got copies of his emails, the ones including Taeyong-hyung's dad." Jisung stated and pushed the file towards Jaemin and Renjun, "Thanks to the new tracker Chenle made and you implemented on Daniel, we'll be able to follow his movements."

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