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"Ah, how lovely." Taehui spat out his words like venom. His eyes darkened upon seeing Keiko, wriggling out of his guard's grip.

"Don't fucking touch me." She snapped, turning around quickly to throw a punch square up into his jaw.

A sound of a gun clicking as she froze in her spot, feeling something cold and metallic pointed directly onto her temple. She took a side glance, seeing Taehui pressing the tip of his gun's barrel onto her temple firmly.

Keiko bitterly chuckled, "If you want me dead then fucking shoot me already. What's stopping you?"

"I invited you to settle our family feud- not to capture my granddaughter." Eiichi uttered out, placing down his empty glass. A glare cutting through Taehui's gaze, knuckles turning white from the pressure exerted as he clenched the glass.

Taehui tilts his head cockily, an amused scoff leaving his lips, "Oh? Don't give me that family bullshit. Last time I know you let your son sell her away. Didn't even bother stopping him, only yelled at him- like that's gonna help."

Eiichi was left silent, caught off guard, having no other words to retort back. It was true, he was there, but he never held his son back – and that was his mistake.

Taehui raised a brow, "Hmm? I'm correct."

"You see that, Keiko? He never really cares for you- it's all just lies. If he did care for you, he would've at least stopped your father from selling you away, but he didn't." Taehui pointed out, reaching out to stroke Keiko's hair resulting in the latter to swat his hand away immediately.

"Like you are any different." Keiko seethed, hatred burning in her eyes the longer she stared at Taehui. "The reason why Taeyong left your company was because you did nothing but treat him like a slave. He's your fucking son. And now, he's all successful with his mafia, secret business and stocked money, you come to him- almost begging him to come back to your company."

"I don't see the problem in that."

"No, I know for a fact that you are scared of him. You know how smart he is and his ways of handling people. That's why he's better than you." Keiko shook her head, crossing her arms as her eyes traveled across the room, seeing how trashed it looked.

"He cares about his people- he cares about his friends."

The attendees were mostly gone, either got shot or had fled out once they had heard the gunshots from earlier. People were screaming, afraid of what had happened, but to some, it was normal. Parties that consisted of mainly criminals, businessman, associates, and others who worked underground never really ended nicely.

There is always, always, someone who's going to end up hurt.

Tension filled the atmosphere, some lights flickered nonstop, some had been accidentally shot from the open crossfire. Windows were smashed, blood spills here and there. But what Keiko noticed, was most of NCT stationed in different parts of the room, their gun held up to either Taehui's men or Taehui himself.

"Father, I suggest you let go of Keiko right now before my men shoot you to death." Taeyong's deep voice cut through the thick heavy atmosphere, breaking away Taehui's attention from Eiichi.

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