17 | good girl bad girl

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A fine early morning in Saturday it was, totally normal for a Mafia Boss to walk straight into a bar, declaring a gamble towards his fellow rival while betting his own life alongside a head bartender's. Yeah, Totally normal.

Keiko's left eye twitched, the annoyance in her growing as she felt like she was being toyed by everyone. "I'm not some fucking object that you could bet on and sell off! For fucks sake I'm a human being!" she yelled out, pulling up the gun from her side, aiming it towards Taeyong.

In an instant, Jisung grabbed onto his gun, the tip of it pointing directly at the girl. His trembling eyes met with Taeyong's serious ones, seeing as his Boss gave him a sign to drop his gun, he did. "She's not the enemy here, Jisung." he simply said and glanced at the girl.

"Drop that."

She scoffed, "And why should I?"

Taeyong ran his tongue over his bottom lips, leaning onto one side, "Can I talk to you? Alone."

Keiko squinted her eyes at him, a suspicious feeling from his short words. "No. If you want to tell me something, tell me now."

The latter rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "Never mind." he spat, "The gamble will be held at NCT's own underground private bar – Neo Zone."

Keishin scrunched his nose, feeling a bit uneasy, "What's the catch again?"

Taeyong shrugged his shoulders, "If the Mikami's win, everything of me will be turned to you. That includes my whole life, my Mafia, money, existence, just everything." he then smirked, "But if you lose," he cocked his head towards the head bartender who glared at him in advance. "her everything will become ours."

Keiko scowled, her finger itching to pull the trigger, but it just seemed like she couldn't. She disliked him so much for treating her like an object to bet on, and yet she couldn't even bring herself to shoot him.

But what happens next if she did gain the courage to shoot him? She could probably be hunted down by several members of his own Mafia. More trouble would come in her way. As much as she hated her decision, she ended up retracting her hand away; the gun being pulled down.

Keiko rolled her eyes, I'll shoot you next time.

"Good girl." Taeyong quipped, a smirk creeping up the corner of his lips as he approached Keishin with a smug look.

"You'll lose again." he spat, "Watch me."

Keishin held his chin up, not wanting to swallow up his pride, "I'm not going to back down. Not to a rival." he stated before turning his back and leaving.

Keiko bit her bottom lip, thoughts running wild in her mind as she watched her actual Father exit her bar. Was her Father really just doing this because he didn't want to lose to a fellow rival? That's it? That's his excuse to see his daughter?

She shook her head and stared at the gun. Why didn't I just shoot him? By then, the whole game could've been over, yet the possibility of his Mafia members running after her seemed more annoying.

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