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11:45 PM, FRIDAY


"Your office is so dark, how do you even manage to work around here?" Keiko muttered as she sat on the chair in front of Taeyong's desk.

The male only hummed in response, eyes still casted on the stacks of paper he had in his grasp. Keiko watched as he worked in silence, nothing but the sound of the air conditioning whirring from afar. Taeyong seemed so much like a workaholic to Keiko, with him always by himself in his office, even if she now practically lives with them, she rarely see Taeyong unless it had something to do with work or meal time.

The pink haired mafia boss bit his bottom lip, his dyed bangs dangling low as it hovered above his sharp eyes. His fingers fidgeting the pen as he stared at his work.

Keiko glanced at him as the sound of him fidgeting gradually got louder. "Uh... Taeyong?"

"What?" he snapped, his fidgeting stop as he looked up at her.

She shook her head, "Sheesh, what's gotten you so grumpy."

"Wait... I'm sorry." he mumbled and gazed back down, now writing something down before sliding the paper to the side and working on another one.

"Are you okay?"

He chuckled, "Do you care?"

She grimaced, averting her gaze onto his velvet curtains. "Just asking." though deep inside, of course she had some bits of care for the mafia boss. After all, with what happened, he managed to teach her father a lesson. A lesson to stop.

Taeyong stopped working and eyed the silver haired girl, who was now mumbling incoherent words under her breath. A small smile ghosted his lips for a few seconds until it went back to his usual monotone look.

"I remember something, my father called you a former heir, was that true?" she suddenly asked, shifting to get comfortable in the chair.

Taeyong rested his chin on the palm of his hand for support as he raised a brow, "Yeah, why?"

"Nothing... it's just that, why give that up to be in the mafia?"

"Well, I started this mafia– and I didn't give up being a heir for nothing." he said simply, now running his fingers through his hair as he loosened his tie. "It's either become a slave under my father or become the leader of a now infamous underground mafia, tell me, which one sounds better?"

Keiko sniggered, "Definitely the second one."

"See? I just made a choice. I don't regret it anyways." he pointed out and stood up from his seat, "By the way, do you know Dasom?"

"Dasom? You mean... Rose? That pretty lady you used as bait or something in my bar?"

Taeyong nodded at her and she shrugged, "All I heard from Mark she's an associate."

"She is. She also works for my father." he sighed and was about to continued when Keiko raised a finger.

"Wait– why are you telling me this?" she chuckled awkwardly, "Why did you even call me here?"

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