11 | could be buddies

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"Not what I was expecting." Jaemin muttered, running a hand across his face in annoyance.

Keiko stuck out her tongue at him, "Don't expect too much." she started walking, not even sure where her feet was taking her. A groan emits from her mouth as she realized Jaemin was still tailing her.

Stopping, she whipped her head towards him, eyes squinted.

"What?" the boy innocently tilted his head and that made her scoff, irked by his actions.

"Stop following me."

"No way." he chuckled and stood beside her, "We could be buddies!"

"Yeah, no." she rolled her eyes and moved away from him as he tried to clung onto her. "Wh– Don't touch me! Yah!" she deadpanned, now walking with Jaemin's arm intertwined with hers.

"Isn't this nice?"

"In your dreams."

Jaemin pouted at her response but then smiled as he caught a glimpse of a nearby ice cream shop. He immediately tugged onto her nonstop earning a glare from the girl, "What do you want!?" she huffed, wanting to break away from Jaemin's strong grip.

"Let's go get some ice cream!" before she could even protest, the boy had already dragged her petite body towards the store.

Bells chiming as they entered the shop, the employees greeting them welcome. Jaemin grinned happily, pushing her by her shoulders as they walked up to the counter.

"I swear to God I wou—"

"Which flavor do you want, Noona?" Jaemin questions her, peering up at the menu. "Hmm, I don't really like strawberry, do you like strawberries?"

"I– ugh, a bit." she slumped her shoulders, deciding that maybe she could let this moment slide for a bit.

"Cherries? Do you like them?" he tilts his head, looking down at her.

"Uhh... I love them?" she said with furrowed brows, "I don't get your point here–"

"Cherries are better, aren't they?" he smiled and patted her head making her right eye twitch in irritation.

"What do you want? I'll treat you ice cream!"


"She'll have cookies and cream." Jaemin suddenly said to the employee, "And I'll have... a peach drink." he pointed out, eyes leaving the menu to hand over his credit card.

"Wait, you're not having ice cream?" she tilts her head at him and he shook his head, "Nah, I'll rather treat you one."

Once their orders were prepared, Jaemin handed her the cup filled with ice cream while he happily drank his peach drink.

"So, you hate strawberries?" the girl mumbled softly as they sat down.

Jaemin hummed, "Just artificial ones."

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