34 | one cerise

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"My head fucking hurts." the head bartender grumbled as she banged her head on the table inside the employee's backroom.

"Now it'll hurt more." Daniel snapped his fingers, chuckling lightly.

"Will you able to handle the bar alone?" Keiko questioned, a bit slurred. "I think I need to rest for a few more minutes– I can't work like this."

Daniel grinned, "Leave it up to me! I'm not the best apprentice for nothing!"

"You mean the only apprentice?" Keiko corrected, an eyebrow arched up.

The boy's jaw dropped in shock, "How come you're still rude even if you drank?"

Keiko rolled her eyes, pushing him out the room, "Get back there and serve the costumers."

Since Reiji already passed out after the whole 'Let's have fun' session he decided to do, Keiko had to straighten up, call Daniel to help her, and drive her cousin back to her own apartment, afterwards, they both went to Pandora's Box.

Getting a ton of sleep after they drank made her feel a lot better. Though she still felt a bit lost in her mind, she could manage. Keiko was quite glad that Daniel was there to help.

Out of a sudden, her phone started to ring and she groaned upon answering, not even bothering to check the ID caller.

"Who the fu—"

"Yah! Did you steal my car again?!" Reiji's voice boosted loud and clear making her scrunch up her face, moving her head away from her phone.

"Damn. Why are you so loud?"

"Keiko– DID YOU???"

"I did. What are you gonna do about it?" she hummed nonchalantly making the male on the other line let out a whine.

"Damn you- Argh! Whatever."

Keiko laughed, "It's not like it happened for the first time."

"Seriously. Take care of yourself AND my car, okay?"

"Yes, Reginald."

"Don't call me that it's R-E—" his call was cut off as Keiko pressed the end button, pocketing her phone as she stood up to leave the backroom.

"R-E-I-J-I. Reiji. Reiji Young," she mumbled the words her friend would always say whenever she called him by his actual name.

"Oh? Keiko? I thought you would rest for a bit?" Daniel tilts his head.

"Yup, I'm just going to take a seat here and watch over," she assured and sat on the barstools by the counter.

A few minutes passed and the door to the bar opens, Daniel shot his head up to greet the male that had entered the bar. "Welcome to Pandora's Box!"

The male nodded, approaching the bar counter, taking a seat beside Keiko who had her eyes glued down onto her phone. He cleared his throat, "I would like one Cerise."

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