65 | sayonara!

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11:56 PM, SUNDAY

"It's so fucking boring." Donghyuck grunted, spinning around in his chair, head loosely hanging back. "Ugh- no missions no nothing, what am I gonna do? Rot?"

"As you should." Renjun quipped, a smug grin etched on his face before ducking down, avoiding the stapler Donghyuck hurled over his direction. "Missed me." He cheekily said, sticking out his tongue to irk the boy more.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes before standing up, sighing deeply with his hands on the side of his hips. "I'm gonna go."

"Go where?" Chenle raised a brow suspiciously, eyeing the boy up and down to check his attire, noticing how he wasn't wearing casual clothes but rather still wore their mission regalia.

Donghyuck shrugged his shoulders, "You can come with me if you want, I might go look for Keiko and ask her if she wants to sneak out."

"Seriously?" Jaemin deadpanned, "That's your brilliant idea- after they got punished after sneaking out, you're gonna do it again?"

Donghyuck glared at him, "Jaem, I'm just enjoying life okay? You never know when you're gonna die- and we never know when Keiko will...I don't know...escape? Leave this place?" He stated matter-of-factly, accompanying it with little hand gestures to make it more dramatic, "I wanna have fun with her while I can."

Without uttering another word, Donghyuck turned around, saluting back at them before leaving the unit office. "Adios!"

Renjun shook his head, sighing as he watched the boy leave. "I'm gonna go make sure they don't do anything stupid."

Chenle chuckled, pushing away from his desk, "I wanna join in too."

Jaemin facepalmed, looking at the two empty seats that belonged to Jeno and Jisung. Knowing that the two were probably in the files office again, he ruffled his hair and decided on staying, knowing he had to or else they'll get scolded at even more.

Jaemin watched from the surveillance cameras, seeing the trio head down the hallways in search for the Japanese girl, soon finding them at the balcony area; where she had been busy looking out at the vast gates of the secured place.

"Keiko!" Donghyuck called out, easily grabbing her attention as she spun around to face him. Her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, seeing the two other boys following suit behind him.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Entertain me." Donghyuck said firmly with a smug grin pricked on his lips, "Life is so boring, let's go raid a store or something."

And that was exactly what they did next. Doors to the garage bursting open as they sauntered to their chosen rides, that being one car and a motorcycle.

"Keiko's riding with me!" Donghyuck yelled out, raising his hand and pointed towards his motorbike.

"Yeah, not happening." Renjun shook his head, jabbing his thumb towards his car before shooting Chenle and Keiko a stern look, "You two, in the car, let's go."

Chenle sighed in defeat but hopped into Renjun's car anyway, as Renjun slid into the driver's seat, he shot a look up at the girl questioningly, "Yah, Keiko?"

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