49 | tastes cheap

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"Do you have any preference or—"

"Actually, I'm here for Mikami Keiko." the woman, wearing an all-purple suit with a white blouse tucked inside. Reiji hesitated, "It's actually Yun Keiko."

The woman laughed, "No, I'm pretty sure it's Mikami Keiko. You know what, let me just talk to Cerise."

Sighing, Reiji pursed his lips, going to the employee room to call the head bartender. A few minutes of waiting and a girl walked out, her thick silver hair curled, resting on her back. Black long-sleeves folded, again revealing her inked arms. Lips tinted cherry-like, eyes resembling a cat's, big and haughty.

"Good evening, do you have any preferences or anything you would like?" she questions, facing the woman in purple.

"I'm Shin Jiwoo, owner of Zero Mile."

Keiko raised a brow before smirking, "Ahh, so you were the one who ordered one of your staff to try and convince me of being a bartender in Zero Mile."

Jiwoo smiled, hands layering each other she settled it on top of the counter, "Never thought you know me, Keiko-ssi."

"I actually don't. I guess now I do. What brings you into Pandora's Box?" she tilts her head, filling up the glass with a purple-hued juice.

"I want to recruit you–"

"Mhm, that won't work." Keiko shakes her head, sliding the glass towards her, "Zero Mile."

Jiwoo scoffed, an eyebrow cocked up as she looked down at the glass, "You're naming a drink after my bar?"

Keiko grinned widely, "I name it for a reason, Jiwoo-ssi."

Rolling her eyes, Jiwoo took a sip, immediately her forehead creased as she placed down the cocktail, "This tastes cheap."

"Just like how Zero Mile is." Keiko retorted, "I'm not going anywhere, Shin Jiwoo. Are you even sure you're only here for me? Or is there something else bothering you?"

Jiwoo crossed her arms, glaring at Keiko before faking a smile, "You think you're all high because you come from the Mikami Empire?"

"No. I was a Mikami." Keiko stifled a laugh, "I'm just Keiko. The cherry on top, sweetie."

Jiwoo irked, hopping off the barstool before placing narrowing eyes at the head bartender of Pandora's Box. "It's not over yet, Keiko. You will be dragged down until you're no longer the luscious cherry you seem to be." and with that, she walks away, the sound of her heels clanking against the floor.

Keiko sighed, nose crinkling, "Where the hell did Mark go even?

As if on cue, the mafioso walked in, wearing the usual sunglasses he wore whenever visiting Pandora's Box. Whistling as he skidded towards the bar counter, a grin ghosting his lips.

"Where did you go?"

"Donghyuck called me and told me to take out a few people, just the usual." he shrugged.

Keiko blinked, thinking about his words. "By 'take out' you mean assassinate?"

Mark hummed, "Same thing."

.         .          .



"Did you get that?" Chenle nudged Jisung as they kept listening to the recording of Keiko and Jiwoo's conversation.

Jisung nodded eagerly, his gaze on his computer screen, his fingers typing numerous keys, the sound of clicking went faster each time.

"I told you something was off." Jaemin sighed, peering over his divider to check Jeno's progress, "Did you contact Haechan and Xiaojun already?"

Jeno bobbed his head, a tongue sticking out in concentration. "I did. Donghyuck spied them on their way out and asked Yangyang for a drive, they traced them to Pandora's Box before contacting Mark and Renjun."

"How's it going so far?"

"Well, Donghyuck and Yangyang already picked up Xiaojun– so far they haven't suspected him yet."

"And with Mark and Renjun?"

"They've successfully delayed Shin Jiwoo's ride."

Chenle pressed onto a key, "Hyung? Can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Chenle." Kun's voice boomed from the speakers.

"The path is clear, mission kidnap Shin Jiwoo commence."

In one of the silent, dim streets of Yongsan-gu Mad city. Unit Wayv sauntered into the night, taking out the leftover bodies that were left to bleed after getting shot by the assassins. Hendery was on the lookout, eyes like he was a prey as he scanned the dead street. Ten and Kun made their way into the car, knocking as they smiled, almost devilishly, at Shin Jiwoo.

"W-Who are you people?!" Jiwoo panicked, leaning back, but to be only blocked by Sicheng.

Kun had a vicious grin, like an actual psycho on his lips as he reached out to grab her, "I'm Kun, NCT's good yet bad guy. Don't worry, this will end fast." he whispered as Ten pushed the drugged cloth over her mouth and nose.

"We've got her," Kun informed through the in-ear.

Chenle scrunched his nose and quickly dialed for Jaehyun's number. "Alright, hyung. Good job. Now get back before the police arrive."

"What are they even planning to do with her?" Jeno mumbled and glanced at Jisung, knowing that he was capable of knowing more as he does spend a lot of time with Taeyong.

Jisung shrugged, playing with the lollipop in his mouth with his tongue. "I don't know, that's up to the interrogation duo."

"Jungwoo and Lucas?" Jaemin tilts his head and the younger nodded in response.

"I think Taeil-hyung used a more complex drug than before." Jeno laughed, stretching his limbs as he was done with his part of the mission. Chenle was still erasing all the trace from the security cameras and other links, making sure that Wayv also took the underground tunnels safely.

An alarm went out, signaling them that a meeting was going to be held. Chenle cracked his finger joints, yawning, "That was boring."

Jisung chuckled, "I know right?"

"Let's go before they scold us again for being late."

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