32 | father and son

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"I heard about it." Lee Taehui uttered as he sat in front of his own son.

"Heard about what?" Taeyong acted oblivious, despite knowing what his father was already talking about.

They were in Taeyong's office, with the doors guarded from the outside by Renjun and Sicheng. Taehui cocked a brow, a smug grin plastered on his face, "Since when did you take interest on a Mikami?"

Taeyong's face looked rather unbothered as he remained calm in his seat. "And you're asking this because?"

"Why not? My son finally brought down Keishin once and for all, it's big news for me." his father's voice was rather orotund. Taeyong couldn't help but scrunch his nose upon seeing his father laugh all of a sudden. "Say, what do you even have in mind for Mikami Keiko?"

"It's none of your damn business, Dad."

"It actually is. You still have yet to agree to the marriage I set you up with Shin Dasom."

"I don't care about her– I don't even like her one bit!" the pink-haired mafioso boss growled, teeth gritted as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Taehui's playful look from earlier was now replaced by a cold glare. You could really tell the resemblance between the two as they shared electrifying gazes. Taeyong sneered, "Don't even think about messing with Keiko."

"Taeyong, is she even yours?"

"We practically own her life now, telling me that is a bit of an understatement."

"And what do you even gain from having her?"

"Everything." Taeyong said casually, now a smirk casted on his lips as his dark eyes stared into his father. "I don't want Shin Dasom– all I need is Yun Keiko."

Taehui scoffed, "I don't know what you're up to, but you're going to ruin—"

"I have quit being a slave to your company along time ago, Father. Please, just leave me alone with my mafia. I don't need whatever you are offering."

Slamming his fist onto the table, he stood up, "Lee Taeyong! This is for your own good."

"No. This is for your company's own good. Not mine." he fired back, an unpleased look plastered on my face. "And besides, doesn't it sound better? A once Mikami with the former heir of Lee Corporation? It's way better." he smirked and stood up as well.

Taehui rolled his eyes, turning around to take his leave, "You're making it more difficult."

"I'm not changing my mind, Father."

"Then make me proud, Taeyong. Show me you have the guts to take over. Prove it."

. . .

After the talk he had with his father, he called all the boys for a meeting, however, upon re-counting the people present, he noticed that someone was missing.

"Wait– we're missing one." he gazed the last executive chair and his eyes darkened immediately. "Where is Mark?"

The boys all looked at each other before all attention landed on Yuta. The mechanic raised both of his hands in surrender, "Don't look at me!"

"One of our Tesla roadsters were missing." Jeno pointed out, tapping onto the glossy, wooden meeting table.

Yuta groaned, "Mark took Keiko out." he confessed and everyone stiffened at his words.

"Took her out where?" Jaehyun questioned, his tone hardening as he couldn't believe that Mark left without even telling anyone their whereabouts. Yuta only shrugged in response making Doyoung sigh and whip out his phone to contact the boy.

"He said they're on their way back," he informed them.

"Is Keiko okay?" Yangyang whispered to himself, a bit audible enough for Hendery to hear. Hissing, he harshly pushed himself back onto his chair, rolling his eyes, "You care about her?"

Yangyang scowled, hitting Hendery in annoyance, "Of course I do."

Taeyong sighed deeply, raking his fingers through his hair as he shook his head, "Dismissed."

That made them all confused, it had only been around fifteen minutes– what could be his reason to even dismiss after calling everyone together.

"But- Taeyong–"

"Dismissed." the said boy insisted, crossing his arms. "It's not like I can discuss anything without Mark."

"Anyways," Taeyong cleared his throat, "make sure Keiko and Mark had arrived safe. That's all."

One by one, they slowly left the room, leaving the executives behind along with one dream member, Chenle.


"Yes, Chenle?"

"I have reports from the Nightwalkers."

"And? What do those annoying fuckers want now?"


Taeyong's eyebrows furrowed as he gave the younger boy a questioning look, "What do you mean they want Keiko?"

"Apparently, they found about Keiko under NCT and have been plotting something up; we have yet to figure out what, unfortunately." Chenle stated,

Kun cocked a brow up, glancing at the Boss who seated comfortably in the middle of the long, wide table. "Are we gonna do something about this?"

Taeyong hummed knowingly, "Not yet."

The door to the meeting rooms opens, Mark walks in casually with his hands inside his pocket, however, no one was particularly happy with it.

"Where did you go?" Jaehyun uttered as all eyes were fixated on the youngest executive.

Chenle whistled lowly, backing away as he exited the room, "I'm gonna go..."

Mark only gave them a smug grin, "I took Keiko out– is there a problem with that?" he judges each of their expressions.

Jungwoo shook his head, a small smirk forming up his lips, "Nothing. Why? Was there something wrong with Keiko?"

Mark chuckled dryly, his dark eyes glancing at Taeyong, "She figured out your plan."

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