18 | can't lose

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"Taeyong did what now!?" Doyoung slammed his hands on the meeting table, causing some of the boys to flinch as he stared down at the young hacker in shock. Jisung also jumped a bit, not expecting that Doyoung would react in such way.

Calming down, Jisung gave him a sheepish look, "Ask him..."

Doyoung sighed, "You're fucking crazy, Taeyong."

The said guy just laughed, tone was hollow and emotionless, "I know."

Kun sighed and stood up, "I have had enough of this."

"What are the missions for today?" Jaemin raised a brow, trying to change the subject.

Everyone was quite shocked after knowing that Taeyong literally made Jisung go with him to settle a gamble with his rivals in the targets bar. What was the point of bringing Jisung though? Probably to stop him from doing more crazy things was what they thought.

Taeyong craned his head towards his sub-advisor, "Youngho, makes sure everything goes as planned tomorrow."

Youngho nodded, a bitter smile plastered on his face, "NCT can't lose you."

"And we won't." Doyoung huffed and crossed his arms, still couldn't accept the fact that this was happening again. After a few minutes of self contemplation, he sighs and started handing out their assigned tasks for today.

"Woah, wait– seriously?" Donghyuck looked up form his folder, looking extremely excited for his new mission.

Taeyong nodded, "Do you not want it?"

Donghyuck scoffed, "Who said so? I'll go get ready now. See y'all bitches later." he gushed at them before dashing out the meeting room.

Hendery pursed his lips and stood up, "I guess I'll have to go get ready with him..."

Chenle blinked, shooting daggers at the Boss, "You sent Donghyuck and Hendery today?"

Taeyong hummed, "I was hoping that she could have an early visit, especially since this mansion will become her new home."

Groans left some of the boy's lips. "I'm gonna see that brat everyday?" Xiaojun grunted, face falling in annoyance.

"You're in mission with them." Taeyong uttered making Xiaojun sigh harshly.

Yangyang chuckled, "It's not like you're not a brat."

Xiaojun glared at him, "Shut up."

Unfortunately, Yangyang was unbothered by this and just stuck his tongue out playfully.

"I'm going to cut that tongue."

"I'd like to see you try." without another word, Xiaojun flipped put his pocket knife and that made the others alarmed while some remained calm, wanting to see where would this fight go to.

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