61 | i belong to no one

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10:03 PM, MONDAY

"Just a quick little reminder for you, Kei." Hendery began as they waited for the vast metal gates of the garage to fully open.


"The executives can be really really scary when they're angry. And if it's Doyoung we're talking about? Hah- don't even get me started." Hendery shook his head, thinking back to the times whenever their consigliere wasn't in his best mood. "Yeah- I just hope you wont die in there."

Keiko raised a brow in amusement, leaning towards the mafia's sniper, "Hmm? What was that? Henderson said he didn't want me to die?" A teasing grin crept up her lips.

Hendery scoffed, lightly pushing her face away from his, "Shut up. I'm just warning you."

"I won't die," she uttered, looking out the tinted windows to see Doyoung impatiently waiting with his hands on the sides of his waist; tapping his foot relentlessly onto the ground. "Maybe. At least- not yet."

As soon as the car got parked, Keiko hopped out, meeting the consigliere's icy cold glare. Doyoung crossed his arms in front of his chest before saying, "Keiko. Taeyong's office. Now." Afterward, he turned to his back, leaving the garage immediately.

"Keiko-chan, you're in trouble." Yuta said making the girl glance at him, seeing the Japanese mechanic on his usual spot, tinkering with a few machines.

"Wow- tell me something I don't know next time."

"Yun Keiko." They heard Doyoung speak out loud from a distance.

"Don't anger him more, idiot." Hendery muttered and pushed her towards the doorway.

Keiko silently followed the male as he lead her to the familiar office. The dimly lit room, a bit cold, and dead silent. As the polished brown doors opened, revealing the Underboss who smiled sweetly at her. "Cherrie."

"Jaehyun." He pats the top of her head before walking past them, allowing entrance to Taeyong's office. Once they were inside, Doyoung waited for the door to close before speaking, "Are you out of your fucking mind!?"

Keiko lightly flinched, not expecting the sudden raise of volume. Doyoung sighed harshly, walking towards the Boss who sat quietly while doing his work. He pulled out a chair before gesturing her to sit down, to which she did.

"Well?" Doyoung's eyes landed on the blue-haired mafia boss.

Taeyong peered up from his work, gazing over at the girl who sat there. "No need to shout at her, Doyoung."

"It was necessary." Doyoung retorted, darting his attention onto Keiko. "You are a fucking target – anyone could've killed you there and then, Keiko! Don't you understand how dangerous it is? Aren't you afraid to die!?"

Keiko shot a look at Doyoung, "Oh- so it's my fault? If I died, it's my fault? So what if I died? Why do you care?"


"Because you need me? Because you're not done using me? Because if I were to be gone Taeyong would probably lose to his father and might even lose everything as well? Is that it? Doyoung, I am afraid to die – I am afraid of every one of you." Keiko cuts him off, eye brows furrowed as she took a deep breath.

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